New Character idea Threads

Started by diesbudt, August 18, 2009, 06:48:53 PM MT

Ross Przybylski

diesbudt- Rolls of 20 always hit as a universal rule (regardless of Defense value) and Defense can never go below 11 (hence a roll of 1 would never hit).  I see that you are trying to compensate for the unhittability of breaking the 20 hit rule (since that would not be fair) but it's unnecessarily complicated to modify this rule with "Rolls of 1 always hit", since, regardless of the spectrum end, the chance of rolling a 1 or 20 is equal at 5%.

What about:
Stone Skin: 1 Damage is automatically prevented from each attack against Stone Demon.

This would achieve the effect of making Stone Demon exceptionally hard to hit, but not impossible to kill.  The only warning I have against passive Defensive abilities like this, however, is that they can lead to long, dragged out dice slugging (as we discovered in the board game).  I would certainly recommend this cost at least a card (like, he turns into a statue  to get the boost).
Manager of D20Studios, LLC


Ok Ross i changed it, and balanced it out a bit by your suggestion but also lowering his defense 1 point so a few more attacks may hit.

Zelanius Forcys

Chanced upon this while browsing the forum, and decided to post my own:

Nature's Guardian

Druid - Mage
(3 Strength, 13 Defense, 5 Life)
Passive, Friend of Nature: Player's elemental summons gain +1 Life (and only the 4 elementals; not the golems or the skeletons)
Valor 5, 1 Card, Nature Reverence: Place a wood wall on target space (cannot be used if you control 3 or more wood walls)
Valor 10, 1 Card, Emergency Heal: Target visible ally with 1 Life left recovers 2 Life
Valor 15, Passive, Nature Avatar: Druid gets +3 Life (the Druid is a mage that starts with a lower life, and +2 seems kind of low for a Valor 15 ability)

Ranger - Guardian (attack is melee, not range)
(2 Strength, 14 Defense, 6 Life)
1 Card, Crossbow: Roll 1 attack dice against a visible unit
1 Card, Double-Strike: Roll 2 attack dice against a surrounding unit

Shifter - Guardian
(3 Strength, 13 Defense, 7 Life)
1 Card, Lycanthropy: +1 Strength, +1 Defense and attack causes Immobilize until start of next turn
1 Card, Swipe: Roll 1 attack dice against surrounding units in the direction you are facing (basically, the unit in front, the unit to the front-right, and the unit to the front-left, in terms of the direction the Shifter is facing)

Wood Wall - Creature
(0 Strength, 15 Defense, 2 Life)
Passive, Wall: Acts as a barricade until defeated (if, due to game mechanics, a Creature also cannot act as a Wall, a Creature is still a pretty good foil, if it blocks a Warrior, or prevents Fighter Mage from using Flash to get your mage)
Passive, Grounding: Redirects all electricity into the ground (prevents Lightning Bolt, both the spell and the Sorc's valor ability, taking 0 damage and preventing it from penetrating to targets behind the wall)

Coven Sisters

Witch - Mage
(2 Strength, 12 Defense, 6 Life)
Passive, Magic Lineage: Player generates 1 additional Mana at the start of each turn
Valor 5, 1 Card, Conversion: Generate 1 Mana, -1 Defense until start of next turn
Valor 10, Passive, Mirror Invocation: Attacking units must roll 1 dice of 12 or higher to be able to attack normally; otherwise, all rolls misses (basically, attack unit must roll
1 dice; if it is 12 or higher, they will attack as per normal, otherwise, all rolls will be treated as being lower than the Witch's defense), but not applicable to magic and if the attacking unit misses, the Witch loss a card. If there is no card left, this ability cease to work.
Valor 15, 1 Card, Soul Sisters: Transfer 2 Life from an adjacent Guardian, Witch +2 Life (basically drains life of ally Guardian)

Seer - Guardian
(2 Strength, 13 Defense, 6 Life)
1 Card, Premonition: Target surrounding ally gains +2 Defense
1 Card, Foresight: Target visible ally gains +1 Strength and add 1 to all dices until start of next turn (this add 1 to all dice includes abilities and spells, unlike the Bard's Inspire)

Huntress - Guardian (although her abilities are ranged, her standard attack is melee)
(1 Strength, 14 Defense, 6 Life)
1 Card, Archery: Roll 2 attack dice against visible unit
1 Card, Seeking Arrow: Roll 2 attack dice against a unit up to 4 spaces away


Healer - Mage
(0 Strength, 14 Defense, 6 Life)
Passive, Medical Training: Player's Recovery spell modifiers get +1 absolute value
Valor 5, 1 Card, Healing Aura: Surrounding units recover 1 Life (regardless whether ally or enemy, and Healer himself don't recover)
Valor 10, 1 Card, Blood Magic: Converts 1-3 Life to the same amount of Mana (this is random, similar to sprint; especially scary in situations where you need 1 more Mana for Healing Hand, and has exactly 3 Life left)
Valor 15, Passive, Broken Vow: Healer gets +3 Strength

**Just changed a typo and adjusted the Huntress and Ranger's Strength and abilities due to being easily overpowering (7 attack rounds with 2 cards, for just 1 Guardian in the very first round can pretty much finish off any unit). I also adjusted the Shifter's Strength as he is also slight overpowering.

***Second adjustment, as Witch's Mirror Invocation is too powerful, so nerfed it a bit, by making it not applicable to magic and that there has to be cards, plus the witch losses card for each attack missed.

****Third amendment, as I forgot to adjust the Wood Wall's abilities. Added a new one, called Grounding.

Ross Przybylski

Man I always love reading these. I'm going to have a tough time choosing which new characters to implement in the game once I can afford some new artwork. But perhaps some of the abilities on this forum will carry over to upgrades for existing characters in the next major release version I'm planning.
Manager of D20Studios, LLC