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Topics - Archie

General Chat / Christmas
December 24, 2012, 11:11:51 AM MT
Hi folks,

I know I haven't been on in a while but I just wanted to stop in and wish everyone a very happy Christmas and New Year.

Oh and I'll be back in and kicking ass (and getting mine kicked no doubt) in the New Year :)

See you on the other side!


Quick note, I can't get into the multiplay since the update

It says Processing and then just sits there. I can bring up the menu but nothing works on it. None of the links work, nothing. I can see that I have two friend requests - at least that's what I think it is -  there is a two in a circle on that section but I can't get in at all.

I'm using a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 if that helps.

Solo play appears to work fine and has the new features.

Strategy & Tactics / Barbarian and Bard
August 04, 2012, 10:37:40 PM MT
OK so I posted elsewhere that I am losing a lot recently and I come seeking advice!

How do you counter the barbarian/bard combo. Even hiding back doesn't work because the barbarian can run so far. I am beginning to lose with in the game balance with this combo but I am willing to accept I just haven't come up with the solution yet.
Battle Blog / Butt kicked
August 04, 2012, 10:29:33 PM MT
So I was at 1169 points oj the leader board and feeling cocky about working up to challenge WorldChamp for second place....and now about three weeks later I am at 1132 and slipped from third to fifth!

I can't even best the PC right now! Oh well ho hum...and then I see Gorstak has moved to second place and lost what fifty points in a day? Is my bad play catching or is it the time of year!

Oh and just to give credit where it is due eight of my recent losses have been to my kids! I trained them too well!

And to add further embarressment I have done some custom maps and so far lost ever ranked game I have played on them!

Off to practice some more....because clearly I need it.
Okay so round one, game one against diesbudt in his summer contest...

I get to go first and I have teleport, shield x2, lash and a fighter mage with a bard (and paladin)

Deciding that playing defensive would be boring I go for it -

give the +4 buff to the mage, teleport and attack, lash and shield myself - doing...drum roll please...5 points of damage to the sorceross!!!

It was spectacular, bold, brash...and didn't work as he had the +5 card and healed up completely the next round! And despite the shield, sleep and a few other tricks I couldn't bring him far enough down.

After that my people lost the ability to hit (two rounds without landing a blow) and generally it went to pieces. But it started really well :)

The next game I played better but diesbudt luckly had the right card at the right time every bleeping time!!!

It was fun, I played less well than I was able and he deserved to time :)

What I did learn was custom maps are a witch and that the terrain is far, far more important than I had previously thought. I think you forget when you play on the same maps all the time just how big a difference a new layout makes.
Feature Requests / Hot seat play
June 27, 2012, 12:26:21 PM MT
I had no brothers or sisters when I was growing up...I know sad right...anyway...rather than pity myself I used to play against myself at games from wargaming to chess, dungeons and dragons to Car Wars etc.

I know that might sounds crazy but you can shift your thinking between sides and 'forget' your other sides tactics - honestly I'm not nuts its possible.

Anyhow...I would seriously love to be able to do that with hero mages. Basically I want to be able to multi play myself vs another mage who is also controlled by me.

Naturally this would have to be unranked. The computer AI is good but I can win most of the time this possible. Would anyone else want that?

The only other game I play on the tablet is Robotek and you can do that there...which makes me ridiculously happy :)

So Ross...pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease....for all the only kids in the world!
Battle Blog / A Paladin's Last Stand
June 27, 2012, 12:15:43 PM MT
So there was this paladin...and a whole lot of them...all on the same team...give the girl some credit - she held off for a whole two turns!
General Chat / Ode to a Minotaur
June 20, 2012, 08:24:34 AM MT
Ode to a Minotaur

I don't mean to be a bore
But I'd really like a minotaur

I confess I like his might roar
And he's a creature from ancient lore

So I don't mean to be a bore
But I'd really like a minotaur

Sure he's big, brutish and mean
But I promise I'll play him clean

I promise to charge him in
And with his axe he'll help me win

You see the computer is just plain silly
She never sprints him willy nilly

His axe is sharp and very large
But the comp never uses his big bull charge

I know I need a special code
And Ross sits on that secret lode

And the thing is dear Ross
Whilst I respect you are the boss

I also hope this doggrel does suffice
'Cause I'm asking really awfully nice

You see I totally don't mean to be a bore
But I'd really like a minotaur!
Game Balance / Give greater health to the mages
June 20, 2012, 07:59:58 AM MT
Now I recognise that any such alteration radically alters the balance / length / feel of the game so taking that into account I would imagine this be most palatable as a setting option prior to individual games.

My idea is that mages start with 8/8 health points rather than their current 6/6.

Why you ask?

Because it would give them longevity and removes the likelihood of a one kill assassination attempt on a fresh mage.

But you argue... "One hit assassinations are fun"

Yes I reply but...only when you are the one pulling the trigger - when you are playing and lose your mage on round one (two or three etc) due to a lucky solo attack from say a crazed barbarian the game is less fun to play.

In a large multiplayer game it can, if I am being totally honest, a little dull when you don't have a mage.

Giving them a couple of extra health points would make them even more a focus for the game. It would make the games longer so I don't think it's a change that should be global but rather optional.

But you argue..."One hit ass..." Let me interupt you...

you can still try a 'one hit kill' but it will be that much more unlikely, take more than just a single attacker and might have to wait until the mage has been a little scratched up first. In some ways it makes it even more awesome an achievement whilst at the moment it is, I feel, a little too easy. (especially in larger games)
Bugs & Support / Magic Wall Messed up Seeker Missible
June 20, 2012, 07:46:32 AM MT
Now whether the arcane magic was messing with the magical guidance systems I don't know but look at the two screen shots to see how it wouldn't let me target past the magic wall!

It was no big deal...even though I couldn't flatten that witch psionic girl...ahem...but I thought you'd want to know Ross.

I also attach the log report in case it reveals anything.
Battle Blog / Fabulous Own Goal by a Skeleton
June 19, 2012, 10:51:00 AM MT
Okay I love the skeleton's animation and they look great on the battlefield...but...they aren't the smartest creatures out there...

Imagine the scene - after a vicious four player battle (two humans vs two computers) we are down to an epic struggle between the remaining human and computer...

After a clash of blows the human mage, low on health and with no guardians, sleep spells the opposing summoner...

one of her loyal skeletons sees his mistress in distress and rather than attacking the human mage walks over to revive her...

and with a might blow...does three points of damage and kills her out right!!!

Humans celebrate and the skeleton fades into cyberspace with a howl of 'noooooooooooooooo' ringing from his bare skull!
Suggestions & Comments / Sell the units separately
June 19, 2012, 10:45:36 AM MT

I feel that $10 is too much for three characters - especially as the three I'm interested in are spread over both packs!

Make them $2 each and I'd buy the ones I want and I suspect over time slowly buy the lot.

I'd be interested to know if this would be popular with the everyone else?

I know it's switching to a contribution / points thing to earn the characters but that could take a while and in the meantime...
Bugs & Support / PC Error
June 19, 2012, 10:36:20 AM MT

I tried to start a one on one game against the computer and the following came up when it went into the screen.

It happened twice in a row with an identical screen each time. :(

The time notes is UK Summer Time and yes I do have my toolbar on the left of my screen!
General Chat / Cleanse the forums
June 07, 2012, 07:11:07 PM MT
Okay I have a few thoughts about Hero Mages and how to generate a stronger community. I had a mind to email Ross directly but on reflection I think it's better to share with everyone...especially as my ideas might be seen as...well...wrong!

I think the forum should be cleansed and any thread that hasn't had a comment posted in more than six months should be deleted.


1) It looks like a ghost town - the old threads do not encourage me to post new ones and frankly coming into it cold it looks abandoned due to the old outnumbering the new

2) The older posts often relate to previous versions of the game and it is unclear whether or not it is worth reading them let along replying

3) Some of the older posts do relate to previous versions and therefore have no relevance

4) Starting afresh could be tied into a 'new launch' and a push to build a community including 'Fight Nights', competitions and other good things.

5) Without a community then it doesn't matter how good the game is it will not hit critical mass and ultimately fail

So ... over to you guys...should we cleanse or not?
I'd like to name three in particular

Gorstak - for being willing to play against a real rookie...several times!
Worldchamp - for the above, for being kind when they beat me and for offering some game advice
I'vegotacaseofthemages - for all of the above

I salute you!

Battle Blog / First Game Played - Beat Gorstak
May 15, 2012, 11:24:59 AM MT
It's a true story - I logged on and Gorstak was the only other chap in the room. He invited me to play and I mentioned I hadn't played before online. Anyway he moves first and his fighter mage comes tromping out from the starting point and somehow through a lucky combination of cards and instinct I managed to surround him and kill him instantly!

To which the response was 'I thought you didn't know how to play" To which I replied 'I don't'.

I then eventually won the game although credit to him he played well.

So I recount the story not to brag - not really - okay maybe a little - but only in the fun way of how lucky was I to win a) my first game online and b) against Gorstak of all people!

I know full well it was luck and for the record not only has he seriously kicked my butt in every other game we have played but so has virtually everyone else I've gone up against.

Highlights have been me healing the enemy by mistake, shooting my own people and then, my favourite, fearlessly charging my sorceress against a fight mage thinking I could stun him ... even to the point of casting the spell!!

So honestly I'm not bragging about beating Gorstak ... but then again ... it makes for one hell of a good story ... I beat the world champion ... in my first game...