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Messages - Archie

Suggestions & Comments / Re: Pally vs Undead
May 18, 2012, 11:44:15 AM MT
I love the idea. I'd like it if it was a 2 dice roll against the skeletons rather than an automatic destroy - similar to the archers sniper shot power (sorry forgotten it's proper name).

The skeletons are pretty weak auto kill power seems a bit harsh.

And here's me saying this who already loves the paladin!
Meeting Place / Re: Trasd is in the house!
May 16, 2012, 04:23:35 PM MT
Ah you are the man who did the summary pdf - your a god amongst mortals! It is so useful!
Happy friendly people playing a quite game - in which we mercilessly slash, hack and fireball our opposition to death...hmmm I can taste the irony!!
It's because when you log in via the mobile app you go straight to the gaming section. You don't see the rest. The link on the front menu has three options and the one to the forum and website generally just looks like the logo - I eventually guessed it was a link and clicked it.

Feature Requests / Re: ideas for different trerrian
May 16, 2012, 08:08:41 AM MT
You could have tiles that give a targetting bonus or offer some protection - even to specific characters if you want to get complicated e.g. trees give rangers a bonus.

Making it character specific becomes a headache from the point of balance but generally tiles with bonuses or negatives might add a twist.
Feature Requests / Re: 1 free save map slot?
May 16, 2012, 08:06:59 AM MT
I totally agree. One seems reasonable to me. In fact I expected one and felt disappointed that there wasn't one. It's not a deal breaker for me but it might be for other people. And at the end of the day the aim is not to upset customers to any degree.
As a noob myself I have to agree - I spent a few days wondering "is this it?" when I paid and joined online. Until finally I thought - "I'm sure I read about there being a forum or something" so I searched and found it. Simply a tab or icon on the top row entitled FORUMS would be enough!
Battle Blog / Re: 100 Valor
May 16, 2012, 08:01:58 AM MT
Replays? Hmmm interesting...

And the 100 valor is neat but what is more impressive to me is that you went up against a whole army of bots and came out with everyone alive!!
Battle Blog / Re: First Game Played - Beat Gorstak
May 15, 2012, 02:49:04 PM MT
I hear you WorldChamp and you cleaned my clock pretty thoroughly the other day...

still... he's got the number one spot ...

so it makes a great 'big fish' story :)
Events / Re: Hero Mages: The Board Game
May 15, 2012, 11:46:05 AM MT
I'm new round here but I can see playing this around the table with my kids. Keep us updated with news of release dates etc.

And from a fellow game designer (amateur and not published except in his own living room) congratulations!!
Meeting Place / Re: Boast your Gaming Heritage
May 15, 2012, 11:41:19 AM MT
Blimey where to begin.

Game playing since my earliest years - Chess, Scrabble, Monopoly were the three staples in our house.

1982 when into Games Workshop Manchester store - which was when they only had two stores! That changed my gaming life!

Basic then Expert DnD - now 4th edition with my children

ZX Spectrum in 1982 (a good year) and computer games from then on - what was the name of the DnD dungeon crawler - Eyes of something - dungeon of something?

Loved Car Wars - a virtually perfect game and crying out for a good computer version.

Games I've played for far too many hours...Doom, Doom 2, Command and Conquer (various), Jagged Alliance 2 (greatest computer game ever coded if you ask me), Heroes of Might and Magic 3 (possibly the second greatest computer game of all time)

Like to create my own board and card games - created one based on the TV show Alias using a Risk board and custom cards, dice and physical challenges against the clock!!

Drawn up dozens of sets of rules for different figure sets, micro tanks and created my own fantasy card game for my kids rather than bankrupt myself on Magic cards! That and it was fun to do.

Don't play computer MMO games due to not having enough time and I recognise my weakness for spending too long playing and not enough time sleeping! Hero Mages cost me two hours last night until my beloved wife said "You do know how late it is" in that tone of voice that says 'listen to me!' 

In modern times I haven't played many computer games but the online flash game Monsters of Dread - which you can find at Kongregate or ArmorGames has taken up a few hours...
I'd like to name three in particular

Gorstak - for being willing to play against a real rookie...several times!
Worldchamp - for the above, for being kind when they beat me and for offering some game advice
I'vegotacaseofthemages - for all of the above

I salute you!

Battle Blog / First Game Played - Beat Gorstak
May 15, 2012, 11:24:59 AM MT
It's a true story - I logged on and Gorstak was the only other chap in the room. He invited me to play and I mentioned I hadn't played before online. Anyway he moves first and his fighter mage comes tromping out from the starting point and somehow through a lucky combination of cards and instinct I managed to surround him and kill him instantly!

To which the response was 'I thought you didn't know how to play" To which I replied 'I don't'.

I then eventually won the game although credit to him he played well.

So I recount the story not to brag - not really - okay maybe a little - but only in the fun way of how lucky was I to win a) my first game online and b) against Gorstak of all people!

I know full well it was luck and for the record not only has he seriously kicked my butt in every other game we have played but so has virtually everyone else I've gone up against.

Highlights have been me healing the enemy by mistake, shooting my own people and then, my favourite, fearlessly charging my sorceress against a fight mage thinking I could stun him ... even to the point of casting the spell!!

So honestly I'm not bragging about beating Gorstak ... but then again ... it makes for one hell of a good story ... I beat the world champion ... in my first game...