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Topics - Alderon

Bugs & Support / Stuck on Connect screen
July 31, 2010, 10:09:24 AM MT
Game loads, it shows the 'Connect' button, nothing happens. I've tried waiting, clicking it over n' over and I even tried the indiepubs link and the same problem over there.

I think this may have happened once or twice before, so should be a quick fix.
General Chat / The sudden influx of Brazilian players
July 30, 2010, 05:46:33 PM MT
What exactly is going on?

It only started about a week ago, suddenly there's all these private games popping up and a whole host of new players.

Normally I'd be all for it, great! Bigger community!

Except it's not.

They don't speak English, they don't interact with the regulars, they play each other in private games that nobody else can access and there's more of them coming in by the day.

That's not building a community, that's segregating two seperate communities which is unhealthy.

Where the heck did they all come from and what's going on?
Game Balance / 2v2v2v2
July 28, 2010, 12:42:14 PM MT
I haven't really seen any maps tailored to this and the option is there in-game. I think it would be great fun, hectic and yet tactical. Since I don't have the map pack (yet) I was messing about in the editor and came up with this:

I have no idea whether it would work or not and I know a well timed gateway would really throw the boat out, but let me know what you guys think.  :)
General Chat / So, I'm back!
July 20, 2010, 01:48:48 AM MT
I guess this is kind of a pointless topic, since I've been playing again now for almost a week, but yeah, I'm back to Hero Mages after a long absence.

I'm loving the changes, only played a couple of 4v4 games but it's been fun. And I missed a lot of people here, I think the community here, while small is still very good and friendly.

I've managed to raise my ranking a little since re-joining, taking me to 7th on the leaderboard. I'm fully aware it's not the be all and end all of the game and I assure you guys, I don't take it 'that' seriously, but I believe I'm one of the better players around and it's nice to have a ranking that reflects that at least.  ;D

Besides, I think my playstyle is pretty unique. Y'know, 'the psychotic suicidal Aldy charge.' (I should trademark that.)

It's good to be back.  ;)
As a lot of the more active people know I have been playing this game a lot for the past couple of weeks. Well literally just tonight an odd thing suddenly happened. Not 10 minutes before I was logged in just fine, observing a FFA game hosted by Baker. I exited it and suddenly lost connection. Odd, but not unknown, it's happened a couple of times. So I try to log back in, I get on and bam, disconnected again. I check my connection, it's fine. I restart my browser, no problems there. So I try again. Same result. Which leads me to believe I may of suddenly had my account blocked or some such. If this is the case, I would ask why, as I have never engaged in anything underhanded and my love of this game is enormous, I would be very sorry if I was suddenly unable to continue. Please help with this, it's very frustrating.