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Topics - primeminister03

Ask a Developer / Ross, question about development
May 02, 2014, 07:28:26 PM MT
Ross, I was wondering if you could share some info on the source code for this? I want to try and help out if I can. do you use Java? Or something else. Also if you have any more info for what tools you used for art and animations, I might be able to get some of my Dev friends to help out with making some new mages and characters.
The weak wizard and the other hero mages:

Adjustments need to be made  The Wizard is by far the weakest of the mages. I havent seen one opponent online that has used a wizard. Here is a comparison of stats:

Wizard HP=6, Str=2, Def=12
Summoner HP=6, Str=2, Def=12
Sorceress HP=6, Str=2, Def=13
Fight mage HP=6, Str=4, Def=14

Now let us consider some abilities:

Wizard: Manipulation spells cost 1of less mana, valor 5=swap 1 card, 10=meditation(discard a card and gain 2 mana), 15=Use a manipulation card, draw a free card.

Summoner: can have as unlimited summons. Valor 5=discard a card, summon 1 skeleton, 10=eliminate any summon and gain 3 HP, 15=Summons gain +1 Str and +1 Def.

Sorceror: destruction spells have a +1 Str. Valor 5=use a FREE lightning spell, 10=discard 2 cards, use Fireball, 15=all destruction spells deal +1 damage.

Fighter Mage: immune to immobilization and somewhat resistance to stun. Valor 5=discard aa card, teleport up to 4 squares away next to an enemy, 10=+1 to all augment spells, 15=discard 2 cards and get +3 def and +3 Str till next round.

Now how about synergy:

Wizard, can use a more manipulation spells and draw more that he most likely cant us due to being out mana. Now if he uses manipulation spells They do help save mana cost, but they are probably the least used spells in the game anyway due to no inherent offensive or healing abilities that are provided by them with the exception of TOD.

Summoner: have lots of synergies towards summons. Can always summon unless stuck on a round with no cards and no mana. Even eliminate summon has a great synergy with her strengths. Her valor 15=can is a little meh, but it is still decent. I would have added +1 hp, but i can deal with it.

Sorceress: is already a very strong mage. Most of he offensive spells in the game she is even stronger with, plus she gets a free offensive spell at valor 5 that has unlimited range. As well as another unlimited range damage spell at valor 10, albeit at the cost of two, most likely, non offensive spells. She spams offensive spells like politicians spam promises. ;) i like her, but try going against a sorceress squad with a wizard squad. Aint happening.

Fighter mage: probably the strongest mage overall. Maybe too strong. Immune to immobilization. And when stunned, cant use spells, seeing as he is very good without spells, it doesnt really handicap him at all, so there is no reason to stun him. He effectively increases his movement range with flash, which with his already strong attack, just makes him that more deadly. His augment spells get +1, which on him just furthers his dominance that he already began with. And when you get dragon fury and need that extra deathstar-laser-blowing-up-a-planet kind of attack. With blood lust cast on him after the augment boost combined with battle dragon fury will just about take out any unit and he can still cast spells from the four-5 cards still left over. This is the onlu mage i would suggest a small nerf to. Maybe his str should be a 3monk(fist instead of a 4. Maybe he only gains two cards max for not using any mana. I dont know. But he has the strength of a fighter, defense of a bard, and spell casting ability of a mage.... and NONE of their weaknesses.

Wizards have one true advantage.... they are the only unit in the game that can teleport across the map strike, cast a single mana spell and then teleport back across the map. But that is 1fine card out of 40. And it is only a true advantage when he has two of them. Sorry to go so long, but wanted you guys to see where i am coming from. Doesnt anybody else agree?

Feature Requests / New Character Ideas
January 14, 2013, 09:21:30 PM MT
For other expansions I was thinking of the following ideas to go with the D&D aspect of the game.

1. An expansion around Nature oriented units.
Mage would be a Druid. Druid could be statted as such. Strength 3, Defense 13, Life 6. Passive bonus could be +1 life, which could represent blossom, as well as a +1 damage to the entangle and sleep spells.
Her ability for Valor 5: adjacent units get +2 Defense until the start of your next turn. Costs 1 card
Valor 10: Summon Air Elemental for the price of 1 card.
Valor 15: Use Entangle for price of 2 cards. And Heal +2 HP.

Guardian 1 could be a Ranger. Could be sttated like this Strength 3, Defense 14, HP 5.
Passive ability could be if any roll is 17 or above the target takes +1 damage.  Ability could be make a Ranged attack at -1 Str and the cost of a card.