Hero Mages

Hero Mages Community Boards => Suggestions & Comments => Topic started by: diesbudt on October 09, 2009, 03:15:26 PM MT

Title: Revamped Hero idea list (includes all from previous post)
Post by: diesbudt on October 09, 2009, 03:15:26 PM MT

Hero - Witch Doctor
(2 STR; 14 DEF; 6 Life)
Passive Ability: {Focus} If at the end of the turn the Witch Doctor doesn't move, he heals himself 1 point of damage..
5 Valor: (1 card): {Voodoo Hex} Target opponent unit may not use character abilities until start of your next turn.
10 Valor: Passive: {Hardened Skin} Witch Doctor cannot be immobilized
15 Valor: (2 cards): {Voodoo Storm} Each opponent unit within 5 spaces takes (3 STR) of damage. All those hit may not use character abilities until start of your next turn.

Hero - Cleric
(2 STR; 13 DEF; 6/6 HP)
Passive ability: {Healing Mastery} Whenever you heal with a card, draw another card.
5 Valor: (1 card): {Holy Missile} The Cleric casts a Holy Bolt of 3 STR attack to a unit in LoS.
10 Valor: {Holy Wrath} Whenever the Cleric Casts a healing spell, he may use Holy Missile again.
15 Valor: (2 card): Deal 2 STR attack to all opponent units in los, and heal all friendly units for 1 in LoS.

Hero - Battle Mage
(2 STR; 15 DEF; 6 Life)
-Passive Ability: {Reduced Mind} The Battle Mage only starts with 2 mana per turn.
-5 Valor: (1 card): {Stat reversal} The battle mage loses 3 Def to gain 3 STR until the start of your next turn.
-10 Valor: Passive: {Increased Intelligence} The Battle Mage starts with an additional 1 mana per turn. And he can only use one ability per turn.
-15 Valor: (2 cards): {Ultra Buff} The Battle mage loses 3 Def for all other Friendly units gain 2 STR until the start of your next turn.

Hero - Dwarven Rune Lord
(3 STR; 14 DEF; 6 Life)
Passive Ability: {Hardened Aura} Dwarven Rune Lord's presence inspires nearby units +1 DEF to adjacent allies.
5 Valor: (1 card): {Rally} All Visible Units (including the Dwarven Rune Lord) gain 1 STR until end of the turn
10 Valor: Passive: {Dwarven Inspiration} Everytime the Dwarven Rune Lord casts a spell, all friendly units in los, gain +1 to their attack rolls.
15 Valor: (2 cards): {Dwarven Leadership} The Dwarven Run Lord reduces his STR by 2 and DEF by 2, to increase his guardians STR by 2 and DEF by 2 until start of your next turn.

Hero - Warlock
(3 STR; 13 DEF;  6 Life)
Passive: {Dark arts} When using a spell card, the warlock may discard cards from his hand instead of paying it with mana (1 card discard = 1 mana replaced).
5 Valor: {1 card}: {Soul link} A friendly target in LoS, will take the damage for the warlock until the start of your next turn. If the Unit dies, the soul link is broken.
10 valor: {Mastered Dark arts} When you discard the first card of the Dark arts ability for using a spell, it is now worth 2 mana instead of 1.
15 Valor: {Rest of your mana}: {Refresh}: Draw cards = to the mana you had

Hero â€" Demon King
( 4 STR; 13 DEF; 6 Life)
Passive: {Demonic Essence} Whenever a friendly summoned creature is killed, the attacker takes 1 damage.
5 Valor: {1 card}: {Portal from Beyond} Summon a Demon Minion on a space in LoS
10 Valor: {Demonic army} All Demon Minions receive +1 str and, you have no limit to how many can be out on the board.
15 Valor :{3 cards}: {Unholy Empowerment} A friendly unit in LoS gains +STR equal to the number of Friendly units you have on the board. (Hero + guardians + summons).

[Demon Minion â€" 2 STR, 13 Def, 1 Life]
Passive: {Short Blast} This unit may attack up to 5 spaces from its location.
Passive: {Short legged} This unit may not sprint

Hero - Fortune Teller
(3 STR; 14 DEF; 6 LIFE)
Passive: {Spirit Web} Any opposing unit that melee strikes Fortune Teller becomes immobilized until the end of their next turn.
5 Valor: {1 card}: {Future chaos} Your opponent discards a card from his hand.
10 Valor: Passive: {Deafing Strike} Whenever Fortune Teller does melee damage to an opponent's unit, its controller discards a card at random from his hand.
15 Valor: {2 cards}: Lose all unused mana. Make an attack on an adjacent unit doing ({2 x mana lost} +1 STR )  (to a Max of 7 STR) against him.

Hero â€" Druid
(4 STR; 14 DEF; 6 life)
Passive: {Flanked attack} If the Druid attacks an opposing unit that has already been attacked this turn, that unit will take 1more damage from the Druids attack.
5 Valor: (1 card): (Super Charged) The next spell used by the Druid this turn is not discarded from your hand.
10 Valor: Passive: (Reversal of Fortune) If the Druid is immobilized or stunned, all friendly units in LoS gain +2 DEF until the Effect is worn off.
15 Valor: (2 cards):  All opposing units in LoS lose 3 DEF until the start of your next turn.

Hero - Psychic
(2 STR; 13 DEF; 6 Life)
Passive: {Team Spirit} All units under your control have +1 STR
5 Valor: (1 card): {Concentrate} Discard your hand. Draw a card for each card discarded.
10 Valor: Passive: {Foresight} All Destruction Spells must now be casted in melee range of the Psychic to target him/her.
15 Valor: (2 cards): {Soul Explosion} Discard your hand. The Psychic Takes 8 damage. All units under your control gain +3 STR, +1 Def, +1 Life until the game is over (This cannot be dispelled).

Hero â€" Runemaster
(2 STR; 13 DEF; 6 Life)
Passive ability: {Magic Potency} Whenever Runemaster casts a non-Augumentation spell, he gains 1 STR until the start of your next turn.
5 Valor: (1 card): {Extra Effort} Runemaster does a melee attack doing (X STR +1 damage). X being the mana cost of the card used to discard for this attack (to a minimum of 1 STR).
10 Valor: Passive: {Magic Defense} Whenever Runemaster casts a non-Augumentation spell, he gains 1 DEF until the start of your next turn.
15 Valor: (1 card): {Last Stand} The Runemaster heals for how much unused mana he has. Lose all your mana.

Hero â€" Priest
(2 STR; 13 DEF; 6 Life)
Passive ability: {Healing Wind} All targets of restoration spells gain 1 STR until the end of your turn.
5 Valor: (1 card): {Holy Wrath} Target Enemy unit in Line of Sight takes 1 damage.
10 Valor: Passive: {Empowered Spellcasting} The Priest may still cast spells and use abilities while stunned.
15 Valor: (2 cards): {Refresh} All friendly units in LoS heal 2 damage. Those units also gain +2 STR until the end of your turn.

Hero â€" Saint
(0 STR; 14 DEF; 6 Life)
Passive Ability: {Courage} Saint’s STR is equal to the number of units currently on the board (Up to a max of 5)
5 Valor: (1 card): {Thundering Cry} Saint does an attack of 2 STR to all opposing units in LoS. If this ability doesn’t cause any damage, The Saint takes 1 damage.
10 Valor: Passive: {Invigoring Spellcasting} For each Spell the Saint casts this turn he gains 1 STR and 1 DEF (up to a max of 2) until the end of the turn.
15 Valor (5 cards): {Incinerate Beam} The 5 cards discarded for this attacked must be 1 from each school of spellcasting. The saint does 10 STR +2 damage to a target in melee range. This ability cannot be used if the Saint has attacked this turn. The saint may not attack this turn and is stunned until the end of your next turn.


Guardian - Ninja
(3 STR; 14 DEF; 6 Life)
Ability 1: Passive: {Quick Strike} The ninja may attack on the same turn he sprints.
Ability 2: (1 card): {Blinding Powder} Target adjacent Foe gets a -2 to his rolls untill start of your next turn.

Guardian - Paragon
(4 STR; 16 DEF; 6 Life)
Ability 1: Passive: {Long Reach} The paragon may attack a unit 2 spaces away
Ability 2: (1 card): {Shared Insight} The paragon lowers his Def by 2 to increase Target ally's STR by 1 until the start of your next turn.

Guardian â€" Dark Knight
(4 STR; 15 DEF; 6 Life)
Ability 1: Passive: {Overpower} +1 damage on roll of natural 20s
Ability 2: (1 card): {Blood Strike} Lose 1 life to gain 2 STR. The Dark Knight’s STR is returned to normal at the end of your turn

Guardian â€" Demon Spirit
(3 STR; 14 DEF; 5 Life)
Ability 1: Passive: {Life steal} Heals himself for the amount of damage he does on attack (maximum of 2).
Ability 2: {1 card}: {Demonic Teleport} The demon and any other friendly unit in LoS changes positions on the board.

Guardian - Enforcer
(0 STR; 16 DEF; 5 Life)
Ability 1: Passive: {Energy Focused attack} For each mana you have at the moment of his attack, The enforcer gains 1 STR.
Ability 2: (1 card): {Enrage} Gain +2 STR until the start of your next turn.

Guardian - Archer
(2 STR; 11 DEF; 6 Life)
Ability 1: Passive: {Quick Fingers} The Archer may attack twice per turn, and any unit in LoS, up to 7 spaces away.
Ability 2: (1 card): {Fresh Blood} Make a 2 STR attack against any opposing unit at full health.

Guardian - Hunter
(STR 3; DEF 14; life 6)
Ability 1: Passive: If a target unit takes melee damage from the Hunter, they become entangled until the end of their turn.
Ability 2: (1 card): {Spear Toss} The Hunter loses 3 STR until the start of your next turn. The Hunter tosses his spear doing 4 STR damage to any target in LoS, This action cannot be used if the Hunter has attacked this turn.

Guardian - Dwarven Gunslinger
(3 STR; 13 DEF; 6 Life)
Ability 1: Passive: {Ranged strike} This unit can attack any unit in LoS
Ability 2: (2 card): {Grenade} Dwarven Gunslinger may make a 3 STR attack against any visible unit, and all units adjacent to that unit.

Guardian - Dwarven Brawler
(2 STR; 16 DEF; 6 Life)
Ability 1: Passive: {Rage} Each Time the Dwarven Brawler takes damage from an Opposing unit, he gains +1 STR until the end of your turn.
Ability 2: (1 card): {Defender} All adjacent friendly units get +1 Def until the start of your next turn.

Guardian - Ghost
(3 STR; 13 DEF; 6 Life)
Ability 1: Passive: {Wall Walking} The Ghost may move through a wall and person as any other space, but uses an extra movement space to do so. (He may not end on an occupied space)
Ability 2: (1 card): {Scare} Target adjacent target loses -2 on his attack rolls (to a minimum of 1)

Guardian - Dwarven Beserker
(4 STR; 14 DEF; 6 Life)
Ability 1: Passive: (Collateral Damage) When Dwarven Beserker kills a unit, all adjacent enemy units take 1 damage.
Ability 2: (1 card): (Whirlwind): Make a 2 STR attack to all adjacent units (friendly and foe alike)

Guardian - Thief
(3 STR; 14 DEF; 6 Life)
Ability 1: Passive: (Dodge Mastery) All melee attacks do half damage to the thief, rounded up to the nearest whole number.
Ability 2: (1 card): The thief does a 2 STR attack on an adjacent opposing unit. If it hits, the unit takes no damage but the thief steals a card from that unit’s player.

Guardian â€" Stone Demon
(3 STR, 16 DEF, 5 LIFE)
Ability 1: Passive: {Stone Strike} The Stone Demon may make an attack to any opponent adjacent to the same series of Wall tiles that the Stone Demon is adjacent to.
Ability 2: (2 cards): {Stone Form}Until the start of your next turn, all sources of damage the stone Demon takes does 1 less damage.

Pirate - Guardian
(4 STR; 14 Def; 6 Life)
Ability 1: Passive: (High Morale) The pirate cannot be immobilized
Ability 2: (1 card): The pirate may make an attack in any LoS for 4 STR instead of his normal attack this turn.

Guardian â€" Bone Golem
(5 STR; 19 DEF; 5 Life)
Ability 1: Passive: (Undeath advantage) The Bone Golem takes half damage (rounded to the nearest whole number) from all spells. The Bone Golem is not affected by Restoration and Augumentation spells, or the Paladin Combat healing ability.
Ability 2: Passive: (Heavy Girth) The Bone Golem cannot attack if he moves all 5 spaces on his movement turn.

Guardian â€" Shaman
(4 STR; 14 DEF; 6 Life)
Ability 1: Passive: (Earth Armor) Negate the damage on the first attack that does the shaman damage each turn.
Ability 2: (1 card): {Spirit Link} Heal a Target friendly unit for 2 Health, The shaman takes 1damage.

Guardian â€" Naturist
(2 STR; 15 DEF; 6 Life)
Ability 1: (1 card): {Form of the Bear} The Naturist transforms into a bear with +1 STR and +2 DEF until the start of your next turn. You may not use Form of the Wolf this turn.
Ability 2: (1 card): {Form of the Wolf} The Naturist transforms into a wolf with +3  STR and -1 DEF until the start of your next turn. You may not use Form of the Bear this turn.
Ability 3: Passive: {Natures grace} The Naturist is not affected by Manipulation Spells or Augumentation spells.

Guardian â€" Baby Dragon
(5 STR; 14 DEF; 6 Life)
Ability 1: Passive: {Inexperience} If the Baby Dragons attack does not hit its target, he takes 2 damage
Ability 2: (1 card): {Sonic Roar} All units in the Vertical, Horizontal and Diagonal of the Baby Dragon take 2 STR of Damage.

Guardian - Fairy
(2 STR; 13 DEF; 6 Life)
Ability 1: Passive: {Flirt} Any opposing unit the Fairy hits with her attack may not perform an attack next turn. (abilities and spells can still be used)
Ability 2: (2 cards): {Fairy Dust} The Fairy deals 5STR+1 damage to an adjacent target. The Fairy is also stunned untill the end of your next turn.

Guardian - Wisp
(4 STR; 14 DEF; 6 Life)
Ability 1: Passive: {Endangered} For each damage Wisp takes, his Def increases by that much until the end of your turn.
Ability 2: (1 card): {Taunt} The Wisp does a 3 STR attack on a unit in melee range. If it hits, that unit may do nothing else until he melee attacks the wisp until the end of his turn.

Guardian - Knight
(X STR; Y DEF; 6 Life)
Ability 1: Passive: {Spiritual Empower} X = the number of cards you have + 1 and Y = 19 - X
Ability 2: (1 card): The knight performs a 4 STR attack on a target in Melee range. You cannot use this ability if you already attacked. And you cannot attack if you use it.

Kamikaze Peasent
(3 STR; 14 DEF; 6 Life)
Ability 1: Passive: {Unspirited} This unit is not affected by Restoration or Manipulation Spells.
Ability 2: (2 cards): The Peasent performs a 6 STR melee attack. Taking the same amount of damage it does.

EDIT: These were not all my ideas, some were some werent
EDIT2: I will constantly be editing this list of your ideas (reworked to be more fair, or easier to read) and my ideas as they come to me.
Title: Re: Revamped Hero idea list (includes all from previous post)
Post by: Ross Przybylski on October 09, 2009, 03:24:40 PM MT
Nice diesbudt- way to revamp this discussion!  Let's hear your ideas everyone.
Title: Re: Revamped Hero idea list (includes all from previous post)
Post by: Baker on October 09, 2009, 07:31:34 PM MT
Added from a thread I posted a long time ago

Fallen Angel
0 Str
14 Def
6/6 HP

0 Valor -  (Passive) Unholy Motivation: Recovery spells cost 1 more mana to cast. Fallen Angel recieves  +1 Str for each space moved until end of turn.
5 Valor - (Cost 1 Card and 1 Valor) Edict: Inflict 2 damage on target visible ally, Fallen Angel recieves +1 Str, Def, or HP permanently
10 Valor - (Cost 2 Cards) Eclipse: All characters recieve -1 str and -2 def until the start of your turn.
15 Valor - (Passive) Dark Ascension: Fallen Angel's movement increases to 8 and may move over, but not land on, walls and other characters.

It would be pretty sweet if at 15 valor the character model changed to have wings and some sort of darker look.

3 Str
14 Def
6/6 HP

Temporary Insanity - (Cost 1 Card) Target enemy character performs an attack on a surrounding character.
Incite Fear - (Passive) Doomsayer's Str becomes the distance between the target and its nearest ally. (Stays at 3 if no other allies present)

This one is a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation. You won't place your characters next to each other since that will leave you open for the first ability, and if you move too far apart, the doomsayer's passive will...hurt.

Forgotten Knight
3 Str
13 Def
5/5 HP

Incorporeal - (Passive) Only odd numbered rolls can damage the Forgotten Knight.
Phantom Strike - (Cost 2 Cards) Until end of turn, characters hit by the Forgotten Knight may no longer recover HP for the remainder of the game.
Title: Re: Revamped Hero idea list (includes all from previous post)
Post by: diesbudt on October 12, 2009, 01:45:09 PM MT
I love the doomslayer idea. The Fallen angel was pretty cool, but I don't like its +STR movement passive, and the 8 movement AND go through walls.

And the Knight, I don't believe any effect should last an entirity of a game, otherwise that unit would be required to have any chance, all hed have to do is land a blow on opponents hero and u can take your time killing him, instead of trying to pull all 6 damage at once, so he cant retaliate

EDIT: I retract one of my previous statements, I forgot units always use the shortest route to get to a space., I still dont like getting BOTH 8 speed and flying. i would think 1 or the other.