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Messages - IveGotACaseOfTheMage

Battle Blog / Re: Who still comes in the forums?
April 23, 2014, 01:03:45 AM MT
I log in every couple of months or so but no longer play due to the async sprint bug that never got fixed.  I usually look at the patch log to see if it got fixed but the last update was from December 2012 unless I dont understand something correctly.  If it ever got fixed I would start playing again but until then I just can't.  It's way too exploitable if you're playing ranked async. 
Battle Blog / Re: PUGs
October 02, 2013, 11:51:00 PM MT
I havent played in weeks because I'm waiting for the sprint roll exploit to get fixed, but I still occasionally read the forums.  I tend to doubt there is an attack dice exploit but if you are ever able to recreate what you are describing keep us posted.  How big is your sample pool of data out of curiosity?  In poker  (my other favorite past time) we call odd strings of luck like that variance.  It's annoying but we know over the long run (say over thousands of hands) we will end up with positive equity long term if we make correct plays and therefore be profitable.
if they became completely undroppable people would exploit that if the battle took a turn for the worst on their side.  I do support either the pass option you mentioned (at least they would still be meat shields) or allowing someone on the team to submit their turn (shouldn't matter since they were going to lose ranking points anyway)
Here of late, I've started to really enjoy team matches.  4 vs's chaotic and its a blast.  Want to know what's not a blast?  Losing half your team due to them being inactive and getting dropped.  I dont know how everyone else feels but would it not be a better option for a teammate to be able to submit a move for them instead of them being dropped and sentencing the rest of the group to certain death?  If you lose a group match due, in this case because of dropped players, your ranking can go down significantly through no fault of your own.  I think it hurts the team game invites and makes people second guess accepting the invite in the first place which of course hurts the community overall.  Thoughts?
Bugs & Support / Re: Problem with my app?
August 20, 2013, 11:28:25 PM MT
As of 6:27 pm central time I cant log in.  (Using regular internet web page log in)
Battle Blog / Re: PUGs
August 20, 2013, 12:25:38 AM MT
Digital you should be aware that there is a sprint exploit right now.  I made a post about it in the "bugs" section.  People are not able to manipulate the attack dice rolls but they can get a perfect 7 sprint every time by exiting and re-entering games.
Feature Requests / Re: campaign editor
August 16, 2013, 10:57:14 PM MT
It's funny you mention that as I just commented on another thread that you seem pretty busy lately with raising a family and all.  I wish I had the talent both artistically and programming wise but I just dont.  It would be great if you had talented extra hands to help volunteer their time to develop the game further.
Feature Requests / Re: Brainstorm 2013
August 16, 2013, 10:53:39 PM MT
I like the ideas but I get the feeling there wont be much new content for this game.  (and believe me I hope I'm wrong, it's an awesome game)  The developer seems pretty busy in his personal life here lately.  As long as the sprint exploit is fixed i wouldn't be completely devastated if no new content ever happens.  The game is pretty solid as is.  New content would be AWESOME but I just have a gut feeling it's probably not in the cards (no pun intended)

Go to "Friends and Account" then click "load game" and enter the game ID
Bugs & Support / Re: Possible exploit #66032
June 21, 2013, 03:26:26 AM MT
I can also assure you that in the 500 plus games I've played I never had that happen to me.  While it's no doubt frustrating, the glitch you've highlighted is something ultra rare that I've never seen before.  I have had other glitches happen of a different nature however.
Bugs & Support / Re: Possible exploit #66032
June 21, 2013, 03:23:18 AM MT
I'm not exactly sure what happened here.  Definitely a glitch of some sort.  The bard sprinted then appears to have attacked twice.  I can vouch for the opponent though.  He is a top notch player and wouldn't need to resort to any exploits to win.  Whatever happened he had nothing to do with it.
Bugs & Support / Re: IMPORTANT: Sprint Exploit
June 01, 2013, 02:44:33 AM MT
I like it as well.  It makes sense from a classic RPG perspective as well.  Tanks with heavy armor should have a harder time sprinting.
Feature Requests / Re: New Character Ideas
May 28, 2013, 11:25:52 PM MT
I like the concept but it seems way too overpowered.  All the other units would have to be beefed up to have a chance.  So if it only surrounds one unit does that mean all 10 damage gets done to whatever unit (most likely the mage)  If so that's an instant mage killer and it would be abused to no end.  Unless I'm misunderstanding the supernova attack.
Bugs & Support / Re: IMPORTANT: Sprint Exploit
May 25, 2013, 06:17:58 PM MT
I might be in the minority here but I prefer sprinting be LESS of a gamble.  There are so many other variables that luck factors into (attacks and spells hitting) that it would be nice to have a reasonable chance for sprint not to go 2 spaces (and you not know it until you've already selected the choice to sprint).  For those of us in the top 20 rank or so, who play async random opp exclusively, we already have to win 5 matches or more to make up for a fluke loss sometimes caused by bad combat rolls.  This frustration will be compounded by accepting a probability sprint chance for 7 only to find out that it only moved us two spots, out of line of sight to do a finishing move, and exposed to the opponents next turn.  I would rather the sprint system remain unchanged at all (fix the exploit obviously) then to add another luck element to the game.  If the game would just log sprint rolls into the system and get rid of the exploit and we get the chose to accept or pass on the sprint roll offered (but not attack if we roll for the sprint) I would be fine with that.
Bugs & Support / Re: IMPORTANT: Sprint Exploit
May 22, 2013, 10:57:14 PM MT
Ross, Just so I understand your suggestion, you would see what the sprint roll was going to be and either accept it or pass so you can sprint next turn?  Would you still be able to attack if you declined what you rolled on your sprint?  If that's the suggestion I'm okay with that.  Anything to make sprint a gamble but at the same time you should be able to somewhat plan your strategy around it.

I also like Jason's idea.  I dont think all the probabilities for sprint should be equal.  You should rarely roll a 2 on a sprint imo.  You should also rarely roll a 7.  I think 4-5 should have the higher chances then the other extremes.  Out of the two I guess my vote goes towards a model similar to Jason's.

On a side note Ross, any chance of opening up the Mino as a purchasable character?  Promos and opportunities seem rare to get him for free.  I'd pay a small fee.  Also any timeline on a new expansion set coming down the pipes?