Custom Battles - Random Settings

Started by pjft, April 20, 2012, 11:09:36 AM MT


Hi Ross,

First of all, thanks for the great game! I've been having a blast since I started playing it on my Android phone!

One thing I kind of miss is the possibility to actually play a fully random match - mode, teams, etc. I was expecting the Quick Battle to be a random battle, but it turns out it's always 1vs1.

The Custom Battles, though, while they have some options that allow you to select "Random" such as Start Zones and Heroes, I would like it for the Teams, Map Layout and Objective to also have a Random option. This way one could actually have fully Random matches, and be surprised by the game, instead of having to explicitly choose those parameters. It would also be great if these settings were saved between sessions - so that one could quickly jump into their Custom Battles with their default options already set.

At the start of the match a small caption could show up stating the type of match in question, so that the player is aware.

Would this be something you would consider for a future update?

Thank you very much, and cheers.


Ross Przybylski

Great suggestion! I think what I'll do is create a "Quick Battle" settings menu. This would allow you to "Check Mark" different types of battle scenarios into the mix (team game, big battle, 15-second circle of slaughter, etc. etc. This way, you can customize your experience to be totally random in every way or tailor it to give you randomized battles of a particular type.
Manager of D20Studios, LLC


Hi Ross,

Thanks - that is even a better suggestion than mine! Just make sure the preferences are stored between matches - that would rock :)




I wholeheartedly agree with this idea. I would also like the ability to select a random map when creating either a live game or a friend invite.