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Messages - Joshua

Bugs & Support / Re: Connection Lost Issue
August 16, 2009, 08:39:10 PM MT
Hey Ross,

If you have not done so, try changing <DeadChannelsPolicy> from "strict" to "normal" via config.xml. This will allow unexpectly closed connections to live longer in memory.
Events / Re: GenCon Indy 2009
August 13, 2009, 06:20:37 AM MT
Nice looking setup!! That sort of setup would attract me haha

Good luck you guys!
Game Balance / Re: Summoner's 15 Valor Ability
August 12, 2009, 07:31:38 AM MT
I agree with Baker, that the summoner's ultimate ability is lacking. Perhaps we should try out his first idea where her sacrificed creature explodes causing damage around it (enemies / allies alike) and drains the energy from it = 2+ self heal

Flesh golem is also a good idea. Community, we would like to hear your opinions too!
Bugs & Support / Re: Memory usage
August 12, 2009, 07:27:32 AM MT
Hey Ross,

I suspect this might be caused by cacheAsBitmap, that it takes a snapshot of the vectors and store it in your "ram" memory. Every time you start a new game, it could take another snapshot of everything, and not clearing the previous cache. Try clearing out the caches upon ending a game or something. Try .cacheAsBitmap = false and see if that solves the problem.

Keep me updated about this, I'm curious to know.
Game Balance / Re: FFA Ranking System
August 11, 2009, 08:31:20 PM MT
You don't just read this, cast your vote as well! :-)
Game Balance / Re: A number of suggestions
August 11, 2009, 08:30:36 PM MT
If you havn't lost with Wizard yet, then Wizard is good! I would say Wizard is a bit powerful, especially with free 2 mana, and swap a card. -1 to manipulation spells is plentiful, because I did this in one turn: Teleported to the other side of the board, killed a guardian, then teleported back to where I was haha
Game Balance / Re: A number of suggestions
August 11, 2009, 12:51:55 AM MT
lol Baker,

if your idea (for wizard mirror image) was implement, then you won't be able to lose lol. Having correct line of sight is the hardest thing to achieve, and imagine if you cast your mage right beside me and do that powerful spell = K.O.
Game Balance / Re: A number of suggestions
August 10, 2009, 12:08:52 AM MT
I like Baker's idea for physical and mage defense and it makes sense too.

But this may get tricky. What about guardians? If they had low magic defense, it would be easy to kill them with magic. Maybe just for hero mages? Guardian defense is magic/physical defense.

Someone suggested this: Making player's hero mage invulnerable to damage until the start of their first turn. I think this is a very good idea - this will prevent unfair first-round-mage-kill-before-they-had-their-first-turn especially on poorly designed maps. So, for example if I was second. My mage would be invulnerable, and the mage who goes first cannot kill me (or any other mages) until the start of their first turn. On my turn, I become vulnerable for any players whom turn goes after me. I can however, attack the first mage since he already had his turn.
Bugs & Support / Number of bugs
August 08, 2009, 07:06:51 AM MT
1. If the drop menu (for guardian or hero mage selection) was open and the game has started - it doesn't go away
2. Samuari attacks are always +3 (even though I threw 3 dice rolls that beats his/her def)
3. Surrender button should be disabled when eliminated.
Game Balance / A number of suggestions
August 08, 2009, 01:16:12 AM MT
1. Reposition can be powerful. Make it so that you can only reposition horizontally, vertically or diagonally instead of "line of sight".
2. Samurai is too powerful. Either: reduce its defense (or life), or add +1 to attack or reducing the number of dices. He lays > 3 dmg almost every attack.
3. Samarai's ability to kill enemy with one life left. Perhaps we could make it (all) surrounding enemy that has 1 life left. If that change was to be made, make it 2 cards cost.
4. The spell that rolls 5 dices + 2 dmg is quite powerful... I killed two heros with full health with that spell twice. Perhaps making it 3 dices + 2 dmg?
Game Balance / Re: Recovery Spells
August 08, 2009, 12:33:34 AM MT
Perhaps we can modify the Wizard's tier:

Tier 2 (draw a card) becomes = recover 1 mana (card cost = 1)
Tier 3 (gain 2 mana) becomes = draw two cards (card cost = 1)

Making him more balanced. Recovering 2 mana is too powerful.

Therefore, we could take away Mana surge (I agree it's too powerful).
Game Balance / Re: Recovery Spells
August 08, 2009, 12:18:04 AM MT
1. Having too many dispel magic cards can be disadvantageous for fighter mages
2. Hrm.. Unsummon spells can be handly, especially pitting against a summoner. I wouldn't want to walk up to a iron golem and unsummon him, making myself visible to enemy attacks.
3. Wizard has the ability to "Mana Surge", so why not have these cards for other players? We can just reduce the number of these cards total.
Game Balance / Guardian abilities
August 06, 2009, 07:32:47 AM MT
We should consider the guardian abilities be useable on himself and others when his/her hero mage is dead - giving them a better chance to win.

For example, warrior could be able to cast the def on himself (+4, -2 = +2)

There's a lot of spells that can reduce/remove their stats (def etc) anyway.
Game Balance / Re: Mage Valor Abilities
August 01, 2009, 07:49:54 AM MT
Summoner's third tier skill becomes = 1+ group heal and 2+ self heal
It would be nice to see players card during spectating. One way to prevent cheating (i.e. open up another browser and spec your opponent) is to ask permission to see his cards.

That way, for example if you know that player (spectator), you wouldn't mind him looking at the cards. If a guest user asks you, you would decline if suspicious