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Topics - Joshua

If you hit "a" (hot key for attack) and then press "m" (hot key for move) when still in 'pick someone to attack' mode would disable the attack button. I had a 'sprint' enabled, but no attack. This occured with with mage.
Bugs & Support / Unable to login
July 19, 2010, 06:16:15 AM MT
As of July 19, 2010, 01:14:50 - I am unable to login into HeroMages as my normal account ("Username not found") nor as a Guest account. However, I was able to 'connect'

Edit: After a long wait, I was able to log in as a Guest.

Internet speed here is fine.
Bugs & Support / Empty room
July 02, 2010, 04:40:40 AM MT
Suggestions & Comments / Unranked vs ranked
August 22, 2009, 08:50:11 PM MT
We could  make it so that when an unranked match was played, nothing counts. For example, no one gets win/loss increment.

Even when you play unranked, people do sometimes do what it takes to win because having +1 win to your stats is better than +1 loss.

Furthermore, when players have high ranking - and when they don't want to risk losing their ranking, they would just play unranked matches to get their win count high without having to worry about ranking. Highly ranked players do this because if you lose to a lower ranked player, your ranking will take a big hit (all your day's hard work will be gone).

Having win count up high would be lovely, but if this change is implemented, you will have to play ranked matches to get your win count up.

Maybe this could also apply for hero mages kills, guardian kills etc... none will count in a unranked match, and it will count in a ranked match.

This will tend to encourage high ranked players to play ranked matches...
Events / Team laddering system
August 22, 2009, 12:31:53 AM MT
Hello all,

I thought I would start a tournament for team battles. And I assume most of you know what the laddering system is.



     v.s.               ___T1 (winner)___        



     v.s.               ___T3 (winner)___        


Find a team mate and post your names in this topic, along with your team name.

The first tournament will start next weekend, and I'll be in charge.
Bugs & Support / Demonic Lash Bug!
August 20, 2009, 02:49:40 AM MT
On the card, it says: roll dmg + 1 extra

but when dies rolled against my samy (16 def), and according to the log it should be 2 total damage, but he inflected 3 on my samy! Boo :P
Bugs & Support / Number of bugs
August 08, 2009, 07:06:51 AM MT
1. If the drop menu (for guardian or hero mage selection) was open and the game has started - it doesn't go away
2. Samuari attacks are always +3 (even though I threw 3 dice rolls that beats his/her def)
3. Surrender button should be disabled when eliminated.
Game Balance / A number of suggestions
August 08, 2009, 01:16:12 AM MT
1. Reposition can be powerful. Make it so that you can only reposition horizontally, vertically or diagonally instead of "line of sight".
2. Samurai is too powerful. Either: reduce its defense (or life), or add +1 to attack or reducing the number of dices. He lays > 3 dmg almost every attack.
3. Samarai's ability to kill enemy with one life left. Perhaps we could make it (all) surrounding enemy that has 1 life left. If that change was to be made, make it 2 cards cost.
4. The spell that rolls 5 dices + 2 dmg is quite powerful... I killed two heros with full health with that spell twice. Perhaps making it 3 dices + 2 dmg?
Game Balance / Guardian abilities
August 06, 2009, 07:32:47 AM MT
We should consider the guardian abilities be useable on himself and others when his/her hero mage is dead - giving them a better chance to win.

For example, warrior could be able to cast the def on himself (+4, -2 = +2)

There's a lot of spells that can reduce/remove their stats (def etc) anyway.
It would be nice to see players card during spectating. One way to prevent cheating (i.e. open up another browser and spec your opponent) is to ask permission to see his cards.

That way, for example if you know that player (spectator), you wouldn't mind him looking at the cards. If a guest user asks you, you would decline if suspicious
Feature Requests / Team group position
July 29, 2009, 06:11:31 AM MT
Ability to position a team in certain locations using a map editor.

i.e. you want:

T1         T1

T2         T2


T1         T2

T2         T1

For random team based games
Suggestions & Comments / Exit Menu = Close Menu
July 26, 2009, 05:13:02 AM MT
Exit Menu can sometimes be mistaken with Exit Game, so i think that String should be "Close Menu". Also, the "Exit Game" button could be redish
Suggestions & Comments / See your teammate's card
July 26, 2009, 04:59:37 AM MT
Should we be able to see your teammate's cards?

- so we don't need to tell every card over team chat
Suggestions & Comments / Revive teammates
July 26, 2009, 04:57:53 AM MT
Should we have the ability to revive your teammates?
Suggestions & Comments / Random card drops
July 26, 2009, 01:02:57 AM MT
It could be nice to have a option that allows a card to be randomly dropped somewhere on the board every X turn, player's turn, or round.


- Players only see the back side of the card on the board (i.e. doesn't know what it is yet)
- Once picked up, it is added to your existing card and becomes visible. A card is thus deducted from the pile
- If a player doesn't pick it up, it doesn't get deducted from the deck. It stays there until someone picks it up
- If you already have 7 cards in your hand, you will be given an option to discard an existing one (you still don't know what the card is)
- Perhaps Hero only can pick the card up (Guardian can't)
Feature Requests / Computer players
July 25, 2009, 09:26:12 PM MT
It would be great to have computer players that you can play against especially 1 vs 1

- New players can start the game when there's no players around. Allows him/her to experience the game-play otherwise might leave and never come back
- You won't get bored :-)

At first stage we could just implement a Human vs CPU in a 1 vs 1 battle only with difficulty settings, and it won't affect your ranking or (win/loss). We could however add extra fields for your stats against CPU
Suggestions & Comments / Show who is spectating
July 24, 2009, 11:59:23 PM MT
It could be nice to know to see who the spectators are during game-play
The dice rolls (as a text) could be shown somewhere on the screen when show dices is off.
Line of Sight not working when in spectator mode
Game Balance / Fireball
July 24, 2009, 11:52:38 PM MT
The fireball spell could be 4 dices or 3 mana as it may be a little too powerful