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Topics - 1EasyGamer

Bugs & Support / Web pages spelling and grammar problems
August 16, 2010, 07:26:54 AM MT
I found these spellings and grammatical problems in the Spells game info page. First line is original second line is my suggestion. I am not an English Major so these are just how I would expect them to be from experience. Have someone else verify these changes.

If any dice hit, unit loess exactly 2 life
If any dice hit, unit loses exactly 2 life

Manipulation spells allow you to transform the layout of the battefield,
Manipulation spells allow you to transform the layout of the battlefield,

change the positions of units
change the position of units

not end moves on space wall returns.
not end moves on wall return spaces.

The awesome destructive force of Papillion's magic is balanced with by its equally
potent ability to renew life and restore order.
The awesome destructive forces of Papillion's magic find their balance in the equally
potent Recovery magic school and its ability to renew life and restore order.

Ranging from henious undead to beings embodying the raw essence
Ranging from heinous undead to beings embodying the raw essence
Teleport Too Easy a Kill / Getaway and FM Biased
So/Su/Ma =  Sorceress/Summoner/Mage


Teleport its too easy a gateway card. It's very unrealistic to have to work all game with skill approaching and killing the enemy and then have the Hero just puff away to the other end of the map. On the case were both teams are still equal in Heroes it's sort of an unfair “start everything all over again”. In the case were one is left with a Hero and the other is not, it's pretty much hopeless, the Hero would win cause of the extra time allowed to gather more cards and the difficulty on trapping a Hero in the first place. Only a lucky Psionist+OtherGuardian combo would kill it and only if the Hero gets bad cards and the Map allows for easy trapping. In the Getaway scenario I don't think there is a bias towards the FM, any Hero would have an almost insurmountable chance of surviving.


Having tried playing all Heroes and Guardians combinations it seems to me that the use of Teleport as an offensive quick kill against So/Su/Ma is taking away too much from the tactical and strategical fun part of the game and sort of allowing a “win for dummies”. After a long hard day of work positioning and using your units with skill, bringing the pressure to the enemy you get wiped out on a simple Teleport that there is nothing you can do to stop if you are a So/Su/Ma. It does not take much skill to pump your FM and go for the kill, even easier if the FM its already augmented and/or if you have the extra mana card. On 4+ players games were there might actually be 1+ bards pumping the stats even easier or if another player can Shield you before the jump or protect you afterward. I don't think I have ever seen a game won by an opposing team that was not using FMs and their So/Su/Ma was Teleport attacked. Sure there is a risk from using Teleport but I have never seen it happen yet, people usually use it when they are 1+ Hero ahead in 4+ players games or if they have managed to bring the So/Su/Ma to 4 Def or less or if they can Shield/Imprison/Heal themselves in case of an unsuccessful quick kill. They can also just get away and sprint if nothing else if they have only used spells. An FM would many time survive the retaliation for the Hero kill and then it really is game over for the opposing team. Also there is no much science on preparing for a Teleport, after 5+ rounds usually the player has had enough cards to save a Teleport and at least 1 extra card to combo with. Even without combos you just need a creature that takes a couple of points away from the So/Su/Ma, Teleport and that's it (not so hard in a 4+ players game).


None of this would be such a bad thing if it was a weakness equally shared by all Heroes but it mainly only affects the So/Su/Ma. All Heroes have different strengths that counterbalance each other but I don't feel there is an effective counterbalance for FMs using Teleport.


TELEPORT JUMP LIMIT: Decrease the Teleport jump from infinity to ½ the Map distance. At least so the player has to have the skill to be closer to the action or having to spend regular movements/sprints and really be stuck on a failed quick kill after having to Teleport and then move for the kill. This would also balance the Getaway case and give a higher chance for a fight to the 2 Guardians against Hero cases which I think would add fun game-play to Hero Mages.

FORCE FIELD spell: Have 2 of them in a deck at a cost of 3 mana. It gives a +4 Def boost to Heroes only not Guardians or Creatures, cannot boost the Hero over 16 Def (if the Hero already has high Def it would not be boosted over 16 after taking all other boosts in consideration). It is permanent unless  the Hero melee attacks or the spell is dispelled (a Sunder Armor will also be affective against it at least for 1 turn). This would mostly favor the So/Su/Ma Heroes cause the FM relies on Melee attacks plus the high cost would make it unsuitable to be abused.
Feature Requests / Conquer the Flag Game Mode!
August 09, 2010, 07:53:49 PM MT
How about a Conquer the Flag Game Mode. Simple concept but probably a lot of fun playing teams. The objective to go into enemy territory and grab the flag and be able to hold it for 1-2 turns (could be a game setting option). The player that holds the flag has to survive the specified turns in the same place where the flag was. When units are killed they are re-spawned in the middle of the map or at the edge of the map if the flags are in the middle. If nobody conquered the flag in an optional time-frame (5-10-15-20-30 minutes) then the team with the most kills wins.
It's a problem for me when there are 4 or more players involved. I can easily identify the teams at a glance, the square coloring works very good for me but when it comes to individual units many times I find myself having to put the mouse over which also works very good but it is just not optimal to me. I would like a way to be able to see the whole picture at once and be able to know without a doubt which ones are my units without having to mouse over it. I know I am not color blind :) I have heard some other people have an issue with this also but again maybe it's just me. I don't think anybody is going to complain if you add something extra for identification of personal units. I am sure you have other stuff to work on, this is not crucial but maybe you can eventually do something for it if other people are also having issue with this. I hope I am not annoying with all my posts.
I know this is a complicated issue with no easy solutions but is has happened to me many times that people get disconnected and the game is ruined. Either way whether the disconnection favored or hurt my chances of winning it has left a sour taste in my mouth and improved or hurt my ranking fictitiously. For 1v1 ranked games there is not much I see that can be done but for 4 players or more where a disconnect might ruin many people I was thinking of an improvement. The idea would be to randomly choose one of the team players still connected in the same team as the disconnected player to take over the disconnected player position. It's not a perfect solution but it seems better than the alternative to me.
On this guide page:
the Summon Mastery ability says 1 valor but should be 15 valor.
AFK - Someone requested this already, maybe just an AFK text over the characters icon.

Player Stats in Game Lobby - To have the same W-L-R stats that show in the Main Lobby also show when creating a Game cause this would allow for more balanced teams creations without having to remember who was what, newbie, expert, etc.

I think the extra starting time for the first player should maybe be 15 sec if 1:00 min round or less is selected and 10 sec for anything above 1:00 min above. Or maybe just 15 all around, but 10 sec seems too little when playing.

Love the Game