Hero Mages

Hero Mages Community Boards => Battle Blog => Topic started by: GeneralGonzo on September 26, 2013, 08:11:09 AM MT

Title: Disappointing community !
Post by: GeneralGonzo on September 26, 2013, 08:11:09 AM MT
So I got this game brand new - and as old fan of turn based games I´m really excited about it.
After finishing the tutorial I decided to play Multiplayer immediately and after not findinfg anyone in the "live" match, I went ot play async mode.

So far so good I finally found an adequate opponent with alot of wins (over 4000) and a win ratio of about 70% !
So the game went about 10 rounds here and there and everyone did his turn immediately after the other finished. I managed to corner him and killed his first guardian, the warrior and trapping the bard while his mage teleported to the other side of the map.
When his turn came, he didn´t responded anymore not so till today (since 2 days).

I fear that there exists alot of players who, when losing, won´t finish the game and leave it open.

Irßs a pitty, how will one get wins if this behaviour will be common?

Is there a mechanic which prevents this ?

Am verxy disappointed about this MP feature though the game is great!
Title: Re: Disappointing community !
Post by: Ross Przybylski on September 27, 2013, 06:32:01 AM MT
Hi Gonzo,

Welcome to community! After 72 hours of inactivity, you'll have the option to drop your opponent and claim the victory. In the meantime, you can start/join new asynchronous multiplayer games. There is also the option to play live, synchronous games if you can find someone in the lobby to join up with or if your async opponent joins the match while you're online.

Title: Re: Disappointing community !
Post by: GeneralGonzo on September 27, 2013, 07:54:25 AM MT
Thank you for the fast reply!

I really enjoy the game and bought the whole additional content too yesterday ;-)!

Another question: will the game be further supported because since over 3/4 a year there seems to be no activity from the developers for new content as it was announced....
Title: Re: Disappointing community !
Post by: Zelanius Forcys on September 28, 2013, 07:33:24 AM MT

Ross is pretty the dev, admin and everything behind the game.

A lot of the players have been around for a few years now without much new blood, which can, sadly, kind of kill a community.

Still, you can also play against the AI, although they are knid of stupid and predictable.

I am hardly on these days, especially with my new job last year, in part because of how much more intense the work is, despite having shorter hours (because I finish my work fast and early, and my boss is not particular about office hours).

I have also cases where the players take days to take an action in asynch game, sometimes because they started too many games and lost track.

Kind of babbling here, but hope you get the gist.

Title: Re: Disappointing community !
Post by: digitalblacksmith on September 29, 2013, 09:51:43 PM MT
I agree a bit. I love this game and have been playing consistently against some buddies for a while.  I have only recently started doing random encounters.  I am very surprised that this game has not caught on in the D&D crowd better.  Every person I introduce to it gets hooked.  I think apps just get buried in the load of crap games out there...how do you publicize the truly great ones when so many crappy games show up in your facebook feed and as banners on sites?
Title: Re: Disappointing community !
Post by: Cragralanche on April 27, 2014, 12:26:32 PM MT
Im envious of you blacksmith for having friends with people that still play most of my friends stopped playing back in 2012 and 2013
Title: Re: Disappointing community !
Post by: digitalblacksmith on June 18, 2014, 01:06:16 PM MT
It comes back around my good man.  Once people hit their 30s you start ironing out items and getting regular groups. 20s are nice but too hectic.
Right now we have a group that plays once a month 'Risk Legacy'.  That is campaign based risk, everything you do is permenant for the life of the boardgame...pretty intense.  So you get a group of guys who can dedicate themselves to 15 games.