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Topics - Ross Przybylski

Events / New Site Features
April 14, 2012, 01:41:26 AM MT
Just wanted to let everyone know I've added some new pages to the website.

Most of you are familiar with the "Expandable Content" section recently added to "GAME INFO". I've also added two pages to "COMMUNITY":

1) Acknowledgements - A page for recognizing individuals who've help support the game's development (Work in progress)

2) Resources -  A page to download community generated assets for the game. Currently, there's a nice downloadable PDF that references all the spells.

Oh, I've also added badges for all the mobile stores where Hero Mages app is currently sold!

Check them out!
Events / Hero Mages Now on the App Store!
April 12, 2012, 06:10:52 AM MT
iOS fans rejoice, Hero Mages is now on the App Store!

Hero Mages is compatible with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation) and iPad.

Hero Mages is also now available at Amazon Appstore:
Bugs & Support / Bugs with v1.7
April 09, 2012, 07:35:56 PM MT
Hi everyone!

I'm posting here to encourage users to report any issues you may be experiencing with the latest Hero Mages update (v1.7.0). Several users have commented that they were experiencing a few minor problems and I'd like to fix these issues in the next update. Please describe the problem in detail and any steps necessary to recreate the issue so I can determine what's happening and fix the code.

Also, I'd appreciate if you would report bugs directly on the forums vs. emailing me as this gives me a better way to keep track and helps other users as they can add their feedback on the issues as well.
Events / Adepticon April 19th-22nd 2012
March 27, 2012, 02:35:41 AM MT
Adepticon 2012
Thursday April 19th - Saturday April 22nd

I'm proud to announce that D20Studios will be attending Adepticon 2012 for their 10 year anniversary!

Adepticon is a huge Warhammer/Warhammer 40k convention held annually at the Westin Hotel & Resorts in Lombard, IL. I'll have the Hero Mages booth setup with laptops and iPad for attendees to play games, win prizes, chat, and have fun!

Post here if you're local to the area and interested in attending. I'm also looking for volunteers to help run the booth :)

Learn more about Adepticon on their website:
Suggestions & Comments / Existing Character Upgrades
November 28, 2011, 07:22:36 AM MT
Greetings all,

One of my goals for the next major release is to include new unlockable abilities for existing Hero Mages characters. I've got several ideas brewing of course, but Zelanius Forcys's recent post on the character idea thread got me thinking: perhaps the players have some great ideas, too!

Many of you have provided excellent ideas for entirely new characters, which I deeply hope to deliver when the game grows enough to get some new artwork- but, which of the newly suggested abilities could apply to existing character models? For instance, maybe the "Rogue" could also be a "Ranger" with the right abilities activated.

Let's hear your thoughts!
Events / Hero Mages for Android
September 16, 2011, 06:54:12 PM MT
Greetings Hero Mages fans!

It's been some time since my last post, and many of you are probably wondering: Where has Ross gone? Has he dissappeared into the shadows and abandoned this awesome game forever?


I've actually been pretty busy enhancing the game with single player mode and porting it to mobile devices, and I'm proud to share with you the progress I have made:

Hero Mages Android w Adobe AIR
Suggestions & Comments / Mage Duel
May 21, 2011, 03:20:25 AM MT
We had our first game session featuring "Mage Duel" tonight. It was interesting, tho not quite as exciting as I had hoped. As with Circle of Slaughter, it seems the Fighter Mage has far too overwhelming advantage with his invulnerability to stun, suggesting that this power should be delayed until further up the Valor chain (probably swap Relentless and Augment Superior).

Stun is the number one killer in Mage Duel as you don't have guardians to back you up, causing you to lose an entire turn unless you happen to have a skeleton nearby to twack you. The wizard is at greatest disadvantage. Leveling his Valor with Guardians is challenging, but doing so solo is nay impossible. In the 7 or so games we played, the Wizard never got to 15 valor.

"Mage Duel" was an experiment to see how having only mages would affect gameplay. I think it could evolve into an engaging game type with the right modifications (balancing, new powers, etc.). Feedback welcome!
Bugs & Support / Server Outtage 03/04/11
March 04, 2011, 07:18:32 PM MT
I'm looking into the problem; should have the game up and running in a few hours!
Bugs & Support / Server Outtage 12/14/10
December 14, 2010, 06:10:50 PM MT
Dear Hero Mages Community,

We are experiencing another server outtage due to internet connectivity within our area.  I will post once we've resolved the problem.
Upcoming Features / 12/05/2010 Hero Mages for Android!
December 06, 2010, 05:23:30 AM MT
Greetings Hero Mage fans,

In case you're wondering why I haven't been online the past couple weeks to play games with you, it's because I was crazy busy programming the new Android version of Hero Mages so I could make the deadline for indiePub's Mobile Competition which closed submissions last Tuesday.

You may recall from my earlier post that Hero Mages received recognition as Semi-Finalist in indiePub's Developer competition earlier this year.  One of the best feedback we got was that the game would be awesome for the mobile platform.  So, I picked up a Droid phone, coded away, and was able to complete the entire in-game input system in-time for the contest and a chance to win some awards that would help me to develop the game further.

If you have an Android phone with version 2.2, you can download and install the app from indiePub's website at:

Using the app you'll be able to play a fixed-setting single player demo against AI to try out the mobile interface.  You can also connect online and play against players using the web-browser client (though I have not yet had time to port the chat lobby interface).  Also keep in mind that graphics have not yet been optimized for optimal performance on mobile phones, so it may run choppy.  Nonetheless, I think it's a huge milestone for the game and I hope you all enjoy!
Events / indiePub 2010 Mobile Developer Contest
December 06, 2010, 05:14:36 AM MT
indiePub has closed submissions for their mobile developer contest.  Hero Mages made it just-in-time (literally up to the last minute) with a Droid 2.2 compatible version of the game!  Check it the contest info here:

And download our Android APK here:
Bugs & Support / HM Servers Back Online
December 06, 2010, 05:00:16 AM MT
Dear Hero Magers,

We had a lapse in service today from approximately 8:00PM - 11:00PM Central due to a major Comcast related DNS failure in the Midwest.  Fortunately, I was able to get online using my Droid phone and figure out a workaround solution that has gotten us back up and running again!

Big sigh of relief.... ahhhhh

Enjoy everyone.
Events / Hero Mages 2010 Trailer
October 20, 2010, 11:44:57 PM MT
I launched a new HD trailer of Hero Mage for the 2011 IGF competition:
Game Design / Indie Pub 2010 Developer Contest Feedback
October 20, 2010, 11:17:41 PM MT
Greetings Hero Mages fans!

Indie Pub is a community of independent game developers and players dedicated to promoting and exploring indie games by providing developers with ways to connect, learn, and grow.  This year they hosted their 3rd annual Independent  Developer Competion, awarding the community favorite with a prize of $5,000, finalists with a prize of $1000, and the grand-prize winner, Dust Force, $100,000.

Hero Mages made Semi-Finalist in the category of Best Game Design- a proud milestone for our community!  Below, I have included Hero Mages comments from Terence, indiePub's Patriarch (what an awesome title btw) to once again encourage player feedback and discussion.

Quote from: Terence (IndiePub)First I’d like to say that I love the game.  I played MTG extensively, and some table top games (Battletech), so the mechanics of Hero Mages are pretty familiar to me.

What I particularly enjoy is the depth of the game.  The strategy gets surprisingly deep, and the cards are varied enough to make a lot of strategies viable.  I’ve seen players attack their own units to unstun them; I’ve seen crazy hit-and-run tactics with the teleportation cards.  It’s definitely something a MTG player can appreciate!

This kind of game has a pretty steep learning curve.  I think a tutorial mode would be a great help to new players.  I noticed your addition of computer opponents; this could make a tutorial pretty viable.  Since it’s a turn based game, making a tutorial would be pretty straightforward: you could suggest an action for the player at every step.  The mana and valor system is a little confusing at first; it would be nice to explain it clearly in this tutorial.

Another issue is that it’s hard to tell what exactly is happening when a player or computer decides to do a bunch of actions quickly after another.  I know there is a log and a message at the top of the screen, but those are hard to see, and the top message changes as fast as the opponent does actions.  Perhaps you could add an effect box, either on top of the character avatar on the right, or maybe just in the middle of the screen.  So if someone casts a spell that raises the defense of all his teammates, it could have a message in the middle saying something like, “Guest_1’s Sorceress casts ASDF!  Guest_2’s Rogue and Psionist gain +2 defense,” and then a little “+2” number pops up with the defense icon next to all the affected characters.  That way I don’t have to look through the log and click on the spell just to see what happened.

A learning issue is that it’s not immediately clear that the Hero Mage is the most important character.  It looks like it is just one of the other 3.  It was not obvious to me that if I let it die, I would not be able to cast any spells.  Maybe the Hero Mage should have a different colored or bordered avatar box?

The art in the game is awesome, but sometimes it’s hard to see things.  I think you need more contrast.  The characters, and even the walls, blend in too much with the ground; there isn’t a huge range in values.  Perhaps if you had drop shadows underneath the characters, it would help them stand out more.

Being able to view the line of sight is so important that I think it should just automatically calculate it whenever you choose to move a character. I shouldn’t have to press E to check every possible tile; I should just pres the move key, and every time I mouseover an available movement location, I should see the line of sight.

I should be able to undo movements if I do so immediately.

The timer should flash or beep when it gets near the end of the turn.  I’ve lost my turn accidentally a few times when I wasn’t paying attention to the timer.

I think there is room for some more environmental variation.  Maybe ‘fences’ that would block movement, but could allow ranged attacks?  Or rough terrain that would cost more movement points.  Or an elevated station that would give line of sight over some walls.

The sound effects are great; they give feedback when appropriate.  I like the music too.

Overall, the game is extremely fun because it is genuinely strategic and is well paced.   I’d love to see where you take this.  Maybe we can work with you to help drive some traffic to your game.  We have some plans to increase traffic to indiePub, and hopefully that can benefit you.

Game Design / Hero Mages – All About the AI
October 08, 2010, 02:34:41 AM MT
Greetings everyone!

Today I officially announced that Hero Mages v1.5 will be released on Monday, October 11th 2010. See the full details here:

While I'd ideally have preferred to fine tune the AI more before the public release, I've decided to move forward with the early release due to the high player demand for the new AI feature as well as the need to have the AI included in my entry for the 2010 Indepenent Games Festival.  Besides, one of the awesome benefits of being a web-based game is that I can update it whenever I want to deliver you new and better features!

So, if you've landed on this page it probably means one or more of the following:
A)   You're looking to learn more about the Hero Mages AI
B)   You have questions about the AI
C)   You're here to offer your feedback on the AI

I'll get started by explaining how the AI works and then offer some insights on aspects I am still working to implement for future releases.

How the Hero Mages AI Works:

  • At the beginning of its turn, the AI determines a list of its available actions, looks at all the units on the board, and runs calculations to estimate which enemies pose the greatest threats and which are the most vulnerable to attack.  This strategic level data is used to prioritize enemy targets and coordinate the AI’s forces.

  • Next, the AI initiates a thought process where it decides which of its goals to focus on. “Do my allies need healing?” “Can I summon additional creatures to assist in the battle”? “Are there enemies in range to attack?” When the AI makes a decision, it assigns the best actions for completing that goal with the resources it has available to its command que.

  • Each action in the que is processed individually and uses updated tactical data to properly assign units the best available target and position from which to use the action.  This allows the AI to adapt to changes in the battlefield resulting from previous tactical decisions and battle outcomes.

  • The AI repeats the above steps and continues through its thought process choosing projects and assigning actions until it has determined there is nothing left to do and ends its turn.

The key to the AI’s ability to prioritize decisions results from a combination of:

  • A structured thought process where various goals are considered in what I’ve deemed to be the most practical order.  While this has changed a bit, the essential idea can be found on the flow chart attached to this post:

  • Statistical data calculated on the basis of potential targets and the individual sort properties of the action.  For example, attack actions consider the average damage the attack will cause, while healing actions consider which units are the most injured.

Targeting Priority for each unit is calculated using a combination of 3 factors:

  • Threat - A measure of how much an individual action or unit’s set of actions threatens a particular unit.
  • Vulnerability - A measure of how much damage can potentially be caused to an enemy unit.
  • Point Value â€" An innate value representing the unit’s inherent threat regardless of actual game circumstances.  Naturally, mages carry the highest point value, followed by guardians, then creatures.

That sums up the basic principles governing how the AI works.  I’ll leave it open for questions for those looking to learn more about it.  Next let's take a look at functions I'm still working on that probably won't make it in time for the first AI release.

The Top AI Functions Still in Development:

  • Protect Mage Project: It is my intent to create an entire AI thought process dedicated to protecting the most valuable game piece, the Mage.  Until this feature is complete, players may notice that the AI is overly aggressive with their mage in circumstances where they’d probably fair better playing more conservatively.

  • The following actions are currently unused by the AI: Teleport, Barricade, Mind Control, Reposition, Gateway.  Each of these actions requires special attention and prioritization rules for the AI to use intelligently.  The pinnacle achievement I hope to accomplish soon will be seeing the AI play the Psionist in the same frustratingly devious fashion that human players do- pushing and pulling enemy units with her Mind Control ability.  Oh, and let’s not forget the deadly teleport assault combos!

  • Sprint, while used in conjunction with unit actions, is not yet considered in AI positioning tactics. As you might guess, this also means that the Minotaur doesn’t know how to bull charge yet (though he is nonetheless very effective with Roar).

  • The decision algorithm that allows the AI to assess whether it is wise to pursue the enemy, rush the enemy or retreat and recover is still under development.  The current AI will always pursue enemy units using the safest route possible.

  • The AI currently lacks the ability to revisit projects that it was unable to complete at the start of turn.  For example, if the Mage was stunned at the start of turn but is awakened later in the turn after being attacked by one of its units, it will not go back and consider the healing project; rather, it will continue with enemy engagement.

  • “Unit shuffling” and “best action order” still remain the most complex aspects of AI development.  I have grouped actions into various categories so the AI is smart enough to always buff before attacking and disrupt units last, but actions in the same “use order” group are still carried out in random order which sometimes results in one AI unit blocking another.  Currently, I am working to mitigate this by prioritizing positions by the least conflict with other unit actions.  Shuffling refers to the ability to move pieces that have already attacked out of the way so there is room for other allies who haven’t attacked yet to get a slice.  Anyone who’s played Hero Quest knows exactly what I’m talking about.  This problem has me quite perplexed, though inevitably I foresee resolving it by having the computer run test simulations to see which potential attack/move order results in the best possible outcome.

  • Customizable Difficulty Settings and Personality Traits: I believe it’s best to develop the most intelligent AI first and then use this model as a base difficulty for making the AI easier or harder.  For example, the AI can be made easier by reducing the number of processes it considers or by limiting its ability to perform certain actions during a turn.  An insane AI might have bonus resources to work with giving it a huge edge for players looking for a very difficult challenge.  Personality traits would give the AI a particular flavor of human emotion, with my personal favorite being revenge.  I have a friend who takes any attack against him personally and who’ll declare the first person to attack him his mortal enemy for the rest of the game.  I think it’d be cool to have a bot that did this.  For the time being, though, there’s just one AI difficulty/personality which is “the best opponent Ross has been able to build so far”.

That's all for now.  Let me know what you think!
Game Design / Introducing the AI Thought Process
September 26, 2010, 02:59:54 AM MT
Dear Hero Mages Fans,

What a productive week for Hero Mages development!  For those who weren't already aware, I took a week vacation specifically to dedicate myself to the development of Hero Mage's upcoming computer based player feature.  Up until now, the prototype AI was functionally on a purely random tactical basis- using the list of its available actions and seeking out legal targets in random order.  While this worked surprisingly effective due to the tactical intelligence abilities of individual unit actions, it resulted in odd behavior where the AI was conflicted in the use of its resources.  For example, a Warrior might move towards an enemy to attack, and then, on the next command, sprint back to base to protect another unit.

What my AI was lacking was a decision making tree for organizing and processing its available choices.  And so, I created one.  For those interested, check out the attached JPEG and follow along- I’ve kept the jargon in layman’s terms.  Each box on the flow chart represents an AI project with its own decision making process and tasks to carry out.  A summary of these projects follows below.  Questions and feedback are welcome!

Protect Mage
This project examines potential threats of the mage and weighs the risk of exposing it to the enemy to cast spells.  Depending on how the mage might be used during the turn, the AI take measures to protect it.  Such measures might include strong protective buffs (Shield), sprinting back to safety at the end of turn after casting, etc.

Scry for Cards
This project is assigned whenever the AI is looking for a particular kind of action but fails to find it in its current arsenal.  The AI will add any scrying actions (Transmute, Scribe) such to find the cards it needs for the task it’s trying to perform.

Heal Units
When the initial question “Do any of our units need healing?” is asked, the AI is also checking to see if any units are disrupted or defeated.  Healing actions are thus considering actual healing actions plus restorative actions and revive.  Available healing actions are sorted by priority based on the type of healing needed (group healing, single unit, etc.) and then assigned to the AI’s command cycle.  Since healing spells have built-in intelligence to know when it’s wise to actually use them (for example, don’t waste a group heal on a single unit with only 1 damage) we ensure that only the most efficient healing actions are used and the rest are conserved.

Summon Creatures
I have prioritized summoning creatures over direct engagement with the idea that it is best practice to bolster our forces with units over direct assault as this increases our threat in the long term and also reduces threats from the enemies (as creatures will often draw enemy fire away from heroes).  This project works by adding all available creature actions to the action command cycle, prioritizing by a combination of inherent creature value and greatest threat to enemy calculations.

The AI creates a command cycle to use any actions that would generate additional mana (Mana Surge, Meditate) so that we have the greatest supply of resources to work with in preparing our assault on the enemy.  I have purposively ordered this process after Summon Creatures under the notion that I believe it is best to use surplus mana for direct engagement actions vs. reinforcing the team with additional units which could potentially clog up the AI’s assault on the enemy.

The cleanse project is where the AI uses actions to remove enemy effects that are potentially giving them an advantage so we can accurately assess targeting priority in the next phase.  Currently, the only action that falls in this category is Dispel Magic, but I’ve labeled the project type as Cleanse to keep it open for future actions that may have similar purposes.

Engage Enemies
If the AI has been assigned this project it means that it has engage actions available to use this turn and it has deemed that the benefit of using these actions outweighs the potential risks of retaliation.

Engage actions are actions used directly against units to damage or disrupt them (attacks and disruptive actions) and offensive buff spells that contribute damage to attacks we can make in the current turn.  These actions are prioritized by the best threat to cost ratio and are added to the AI’s action command cycle one at a time until the AI determines it has no further resources left.  After all engage actions our resources allow have been assigned, the chosen actions are sorted by their proper use-order (ensuring such things as buffs are used before attacking and stuns are performed last) and carried out.  After this cycle is complete, the AI will attempt to engage again (as new actions may be available such as Warrior’s second attack or Barbarian’s frenzy attack).

Retreat and Recover
This project is triggered when the AI either lacks enough engage actions for an assault or has determined that an assault is not worth the risk given the health of its units.  In either case, there are two primary goals here- take defensive positions to avoid enemy retaliation and gather more cards.  If our hand is already full of spells, discard our lowest priority card for each surplus mana we have that would bring our hand back to full.

Manipulate Enemy
While manipulation has many potential uses in the game of Hero Mages (particularly in FFA games), the AI will be using it to expedite its ability to engage the enemy in the current turn.  A prime example would be the inability to attack a unit because it’s short of movement range.  We’d start by adding a single manipulation spell (prioritized by a fixed order) such as Mind Control and use this action only if it would bring the enemy in range to attack.

Rush the Enemy
The AI is assigned this project when it has determined its strength greatly overwhelms the enemy.  Rather than take its time to move cautiously through cover, the AI chooses to take the shortest path towards the enemy allowing sprint moves and opting for spaces adjacent and surrounding enemy units so as to trap and finish them off  before they can escape or recover.

Support and Advance
The goal of this project is to advance closer to the enemy in a cautious fashion, choosing spaces closer to the enemy with the least possible threat.  We can also use support actions here to prepare us for engagement next turn, such as Bloom, Armor of Aegis, and Archon’s Might â€" but the caveat is to not allow movement when calculating targeting for these actions.  We want to reserve movement and sprint for positioning (as this is more important here). So, first we run a cycle of support actions from current location.  Then, we initiate an action cycle allowing sprint based on each unit’s primary action (for most units, this is attack range, but for mages, this is line of sight).  This should put each unit in the safest, closest position.  Finally, we run another cycle of support actions (again, disabling movement) in the event that new positions opened up opportunities to use these actions.

Cast Bonus Spell
This project is used to catch any additional spells the AI could have used that slipped through the cracks of the initial process flow.

Use Bonus Action
This project is used to catch any bonus actions that the AI could have used that slipped through the cracks of the initial process flow.

Use Reserve Actions
This project is used to perform any actions the AI has reserved resources to perform at the end of its turn.  Reserve actions will typically be generated in the Protect Mage project (ensuring we save enough movement to sprint back into cover, cast imprison, etc.). 
Feature Requests / Hot Keys List
August 14, 2010, 06:19:48 PM MT
One of our members requested a list of all the hot keys currently used in the game, so I added this to our "How to Play" section of the website.  The list of hotkeys can be found here:
General Chat / WARNING: Cheating
August 12, 2010, 03:19:49 PM MT
It has come to our attention that a number of players have been leveraging multiple accounts (which is already against our Terms of Service) to play games against themselves for the purpose of padding their in-game statistics and increasing their rating.

I am dissappointed that with such a close knit community that there are players among us who would resort to this behavior, especially since stat-padding gains you nothing and only breeds resentment in fellow players that have legitimately earned their position.

1) It is blatantly obvious looking at stat cards when players have stat padded (large number of wins in a short time span)
2) Artificially increasing your rating only hurts you. The purpose of the rating is to match your true playing skill to other players so you can find opponents that will give you the most balanced and entertaining match.

This is your last and final warning- using multiple accounts and/or cheating are against our Terms of Service and continuing to partake in these actions will result in account suspension and/or termination.

If you suspect a player of cheating, please do not make accusations outright as this will only lead to fights in the game lobby.  We are planning to incorporate a player review feature in an upcoming version which will allow you to report policy abuse.  In the meantime, please email the information to and we will investigate the player's activity.

Want to design your own custom Hero Mages character?!
Vote for Hero Mages on indiePub Games!

Greetings Hero Mages, fans!

First off, thank you all for your love and support of Hero Mages!  Activity in the game has really been picking up and we’re excited to see so many new and returning players populating the lobby.

A number of you have been asking “When are you going to release new characters?” I’m ecstatic to hear these kinds of requests and want nothing more than to deliver new characters to your hearts’ content.  So, what’s the holdup you say?  Plain and simple:  We need funding to cover the costs of developing the new artwork.

Operating a game studio is a pricey venture, between paying for hosting costs, recurring business and legal fees, software licensing fees, and contracting artwork- especially when you’re a paying-out-of-pocket indie developer like me!  Fortunately, though, an amazing opportunity has come our way in the form of a competition.  IndiePub Games is hosting a developer contest that includes a special prize for the community favorite.  So here’s the deal: Show your support for Hero Mages by voting once a day, and if we win, the prize money will go towards developing new character packs!

But wait…there’s more!

In addition to the grandeur of new character potential, we’re going to go the extra mile and turn this opportunity into a fancy contest of our own where you- the Hero Mages community – get to design one of the upcoming characters!   

How it will work:
Players will submit their character ideas on this forum post.  If Hero Mages wins the IndiePub community favorite award, we will select the top character designs and initiate a “Favorite New Character Design” poll where you will have the opportunity to vote on which player-designed character you want to see in the game!

As if that weren’t enough incentive to participate, we are also going to award all participants the exclusive Minotaur character (whether we win or lose the Indiepub Contest) as a special thanks to everyone who voted and showed their support of the game!

How to Participate:

1) Register an account on indiePub Games at
2) Between August 1st and August 31st, vote for Hero Mages as your “community favorite” game at (you must be logged in with your Indiepub account to vote).
3) Visit our IndiePub Game page at:
     a) Rate the game using the stars underneath the “rate it” section
     b) Add your commentary with your in game name, for example:
          “I really enjoy the strategic game play and the awesome player community”
          IGN: PlayerName

4) On this forum, make a post indicating that you have voted and provide your indiePub username.  Optionally, you may include your own unique character design specifications to be considered for addition to Hero Mages.  For example:
          I voted on indiePub with username: IndiePubUserName.  Here's my character idea...
Play Hero Mages during the voting period as much as you can, welcome newcomers, and show everyone how awesome our gaming community is!

How To Vote:
There has been some confusion as to what actually constitutes a vote.  Here is a screen shot of the actual voting page and what you should see to cast your vote in the contest.  Note- the combo boxes are listed in random order- feel free to pick whatever game you like for runner up.


1) At the conclusion of the voting period (August 31st) we will email all participants a redeemable code that will unlock the exclusive Minotaur.

2) If Hero Mages wins the Community Favorite award on indiePub, we will make an announcement, pool together all character design entries, and initiate a vote for the best new character design.  The winning character will be included in one of the upcoming character packs.  D20Studios reserves the right to adjust/modify the winning character as necessary to fit within the balance of the game.


Please refrain from posting comments related to the character design contest and questions about the promotional offer on the Indiepub website.  Keep these comments focused on what you enjoy about Hero Mages as the goal is to attract new players to try out the game.  Instead, use this forum for all character design entries and questions about the contest.

Please abide to all contest rules on the Indiepub website:
In short, play fair!  We need to give all contest entrants an equal opportunity and avoid cheating so that our entry is not disqualified.

Use the following templates for character designs:
     Character Name | Guardian
     STR: # DEF: # LIFE: #/#

     Ability 1 Name | Cost/Passive
     Ability 2 Name | Cost/Passive

     Character Name | Mage
     STR: # DEF: # LIFE: #/#

     Ability 1 Name | Cost/Passive | Valor
     Ability 2 Name | Cost/Passive | Valor
     Ability 3 Name | Cost/Passive | Valor
     Ability 4 Name | Cost/Passive | Valor

Have fun everyone!

Contest Concluded
The IndiePub Contest has concluded and while Hero Mages did not win the award, we were greatful for the chance to participate and the support we received from all the Hero Mages fans!

The Community Favorite winner and contest finalists have been posted here:
Suggestions & Comments / MOVED: Ross - Question
July 14, 2010, 09:40:05 PM MT
Please use the "Ask a Developer" forum for questions related to game development.
This topic has been moved to Ask a Developer.