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Messages - digitalblacksmith

Battle Blog / Re: PUGs
September 29, 2013, 09:44:05 PM MT
Not you :) q666!
For the sake of figuring it out I would like to keep it anonymous.  I think the bug is related to the way the game times out when switching wireless networks.  We all have had those instances where we take a turn only to have the game hang and have to re-take the turn.  I think it can be replicated by turning off the wireless on your phone quickly after all your rolls are done.  You can then re-take the turn as many times as you want until you get a favorable outcome. Then end your turn properly.  But I havent successfully accomplished the hack and rest assured if I do I will report it and let my opponent know...probably by surrendering.
Battle Blog / Re: PUGs
August 30, 2013, 07:49:52 PM MT
Yep I am certain of it now. I can post my last 10 games if someone wants to check my math.  It must be a annoying re-roll exploit because the only time it gets used is when absolutely necessary.  My rolls are going up and down as stats permit, but my opponents are ridiculously high 80% or so.  I need a better way of exporting the rolls.
Now to figure out how they are doing it.
Battle Blog / Re: PUGs
August 30, 2013, 05:49:06 PM MT
Are there any attack die re-roll exploits similar to the sprint one?  What I am noticing is situations where consistently I am not left with 1 life, I always go from 5 or 6 to 0 in 1 or 2 hits.
What I will see is a pivot point in the game where if 1 character dies, the attacker will roll just enough dice to finish off the threatening unit.  Most recently a barbarian with 5 life, being killed after a mage sprinted from one side of the board to the other and killed the barb with lightning and fireball abilities. Hitting for 2 and 3 respectively.  Normally this is not a problem, but there are a couple players I have been against where it happens every never takes 2 turns to kill a char, I rarely see a bad roll.

Against most players it is hit or miss by my stats, but there are 2 in particular that have me wondering if there is some kind of re-roll exploit.
Battle Blog / Re: PUGs
August 28, 2013, 09:28:09 PM MT
Good to know. I have been trying to keep track of rolls. It is just odd, I will have someone on the ropes and they will roll perfect (hit with all attacking dice) or they will get a 7 sprint just when they need it.  With the exception of the first 2 games I played I think I have been hit perfectly a couple times each game.  I think I have hit perfectly just a few times,  well within statistical parameters.
I keep telling myself it is all in my head and I just need to be a better player.
Battle Blog / Re: PUGs
August 19, 2013, 07:39:20 PM MT
Sure thing,  I have been playing for over a year or so, cant remember when I downloaded.  I just started doing random games, and this is going to sound like a dice whiner but I have found RIDICULOUS dice rolls being extremely common... 
Before now I have just played unranked vs friends having a good time and seeing some awesome battles. But the lucky hits and rolls in the 1v1s are starting to make me wonder...they are just too well timed and perfect.  An max sprint right when needed, or a barb that hits perfect every time (above 20s pumped).  Those are cool but in my 6 games I have played I have gotten wiped 4 times with perfect rolling...I need a larger sample set so I will keep up on the 1v1 to see.  But it will be nice to have some fresh blood in our games :)
Battle Blog / PUGs
August 15, 2013, 04:02:21 AM MT
Just looking for some other players interested in pick up games.  3v3 would be nice, FFA as well but we are here to have fun and have interesting games.  Random PUGs are just odd as people gang up or are I hear.

Who is up for it?
Oh that is nice...thank YOU!
Ya,  I know,  not calling anyone a cheater, but I would like to share my dismemberment with friends.
It also makes me feel better to think that the game developers spent weeks developing some evil algorithm that de-randomizes the dice just to spite me.  This is made difficult by the fact that I studied advanced statistics in college :)

But the question remains,  if I have the game # what is the url or mechanism that can be used to view the game, or is that just for admins?
How do I send a replay?  for instance trying to figure out what happened in this game: 69348, I would like to send it to my buddies as an amazing defeat.  While I get that all dice rolls are possible...this series seems unlikely, all my characters were killed in 4 swings.  This is possible, and if it is random chance, then helluva game to the victor...but otherwise...the number of perfect rolls, even by myself is unnatural.
Ask a Developer / Re: new to game quick question
June 14, 2013, 06:01:15 PM MT
Im not sure, but since there haven't been any developments for over 6 months I worry that the developers have re-prioritized their lives.  It appears up to January there were frequent updates and revisions and after that we have been stagnant.   While I love every second of this game, if the developers have given up on bug fixes it will go the way of many games like this and fizzle out as revenue dries up.
Ask a Developer / Re: new to game quick question
June 07, 2013, 09:22:30 PM MT
Evidently one does not Purchase the must earn Him by gaining rep with the company.  I have wondered if a bottle of scotch or the like would do...
Bugs & Support / Custom Game Creation Randomness
June 04, 2013, 09:35:22 PM MT
Does anyone else have the issue when creating games (Android or web), where the map changes or random people replace you in the list?  Today was the worst one,  it was almost like I was fighting someone else for control of the maps.

Essentially I create a custom game, pick a map,  invite 2 buddies to play with me and fill out the rest of the slots with computers.   I look down and there is a different map, one I cannot even select...probably someone's custom map.  I go to change and I have to select a different map other than the one I am on and change back.  Then it changes again...and again, and again until I am fast enough to start the game.

My buddies today said even when they went to accept the game, it was still randomly changing maps.

I am good at troubleshooting so I think I will get the debugger and start narrowing items down.  Very odd.
Feature Requests / Saved Custom Game Setting
May 31, 2013, 05:46:32 PM MT
It would be nice to set up my favorite settings for custom games to reference later.  It gets a little cumbersome on my phone and even via the web to get all the settings ready for my next encounter with friends.  Sometimes we want to replay a map with the same settings, sometimes we want to revisit an old battle.