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Messages - 1EasyGamer

Having read what you all have to say I only know for sure that it is a difficult issue to agree on  :-\ maybe the d/c behavior for a game could be a game option (allow draw, team player takes on d/c player, AI takes on d/c player) I see pros and cons to all these solutions, none are truly fair but probably better than just removing the d/c players units. Let's play on  ;D
It's a problem for me when there are 4 or more players involved. I can easily identify the teams at a glance, the square coloring works very good for me but when it comes to individual units many times I find myself having to put the mouse over which also works very good but it is just not optimal to me. I would like a way to be able to see the whole picture at once and be able to know without a doubt which ones are my units without having to mouse over it. I know I am not color blind :) I have heard some other people have an issue with this also but again maybe it's just me. I don't think anybody is going to complain if you add something extra for identification of personal units. I am sure you have other stuff to work on, this is not crucial but maybe you can eventually do something for it if other people are also having issue with this. I hope I am not annoying with all my posts.
About the player units identification I decided to create a post just with that to see if people are having the same issue as me.
I agree Ross that "most players care more about having a fun, fair, and intense game over an easy win", but diesbudt argument that "(Oh hey we're losing, go ahead I'm gonna go ahead and D/C so it dosnt count.)" is very valid also. I don't see the Draw as a good solution. That is why I suggested someone take over, having an AI take over sounds like a very good compromise to me.

What did you find not good about my specific suggestion that another player from the same team take over the d/c player? Since that player is already in the game his ranking could not present a problem as if you allowed for example and spectator to take over which as you say could really imbalance the game. Having a player play as 2 or more players might provide a slight advantage cause of extra coordination but it would also  present a bigger management challenge to that player and for the most cases they would be taking on a difficult position anyway.

Also not sure if this is the case but d/c players should not get rewarded with a win even if their team wins after d/c.
I know this is a complicated issue with no easy solutions but is has happened to me many times that people get disconnected and the game is ruined. Either way whether the disconnection favored or hurt my chances of winning it has left a sour taste in my mouth and improved or hurt my ranking fictitiously. For 1v1 ranked games there is not much I see that can be done but for 4 players or more where a disconnect might ruin many people I was thinking of an improvement. The idea would be to randomly choose one of the team players still connected in the same team as the disconnected player to take over the disconnected player position. It's not a perfect solution but it seems better than the alternative to me.
I guess having a "Game Start Countdown" with a decreasing counter that all can see would be a nice touch but the effect would be the same as adding to the first player. In any case it might be a good idea. To give you an example when I played a 3v3 Dungeon Blockade with a 1:00 round it took me a while to figure were my units were and my allies units and the enemies units and then looking at my cards. The fact that all the allies units have the same color does not really make it easy to find my units. I am going on a tangent here but maybe this is something you can think of doing something for, that is to identify my personal units with maybe just a marker or something that distinguishes them from my allies. I see your arguments, maybe 10 is ok and I just need more practice. In truth 5 extra seconds might not mean much anyway.
On this guide page:
the Summon Mastery ability says 1 valor but should be 15 valor.
So the AFK is being worked on, thanks Ross. The stats are available already, thanks diesbudt. The third suggestion was misunderstood, Tampit is right what I was asking for is to give the initial player a little bit more extra time on the first turn of the game to be able to get a read on your cards and the situation. If a 1:00 turn time limit was selected that first player would get 1:10 in his first turn as things are now but he might use about 15-30 sec of that just to get an idea of where he is and what he has cardwise and where everyone else is and what they have, what game heroes they are playing. While this is going on with the first player the other player get plenty of time to be able to do this, get they strategical situation figured out but they do not have to burn their turn time. SO to me it feels like the first turn for the first player is rushed and it might lead to an initial mistake and kind of ruin the game for himself and lessen the experience for the other ones playing. My suggestion was to increase this extra first player, first move on the first turn time to 15 sec, 10 sec is no fair enough imho. Also this could maybe be made into a pre game settings options and have a 10, 15, 20, 30 seconds options pulldown.
AFK - Someone requested this already, maybe just an AFK text over the characters icon.

Player Stats in Game Lobby - To have the same W-L-R stats that show in the Main Lobby also show when creating a Game cause this would allow for more balanced teams creations without having to remember who was what, newbie, expert, etc.

I think the extra starting time for the first player should maybe be 15 sec if 1:00 min round or less is selected and 10 sec for anything above 1:00 min above. Or maybe just 15 all around, but 10 sec seems too little when playing.

Love the Game
I voted on indiePub with username: 1EasyGamer.