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Messages - Trasd

Events / Re: Hero Mages Postmortem
May 25, 2012, 01:29:18 PM MT
I'm getting a "This page is not available" message, anyone else?
Suggestions & Comments / Re: Tapatalk support?
May 25, 2012, 01:14:57 PM MT
VanHlebar, I am in no way trying to discourage you from making suggestions or saying Taptalk is a bad idea, I'm just pointing out possible side-effects for people that haven't purchased the app (and how much I hate "spam").

Sorry, maybe I should explain what I am talking about in more detail.

If Taptalk is used at a site (I'm not sure if User Agent needs to be set to Android or not) and you don't own the app, the first time you visit that site you will get a pop-up dialog box telling you that that particular site uses Taptalk to enhance your browsing experience.  You MUST select one of two buttons at this point; dismiss the dialog box, or go to Market (or whatever Google is calling it these days) to purchase the app.  It is as good as a modal dialog box.

This should only show up once, in most cases.  But if you don't accept cookies or you keep your system clean, then you will get the popup box every time you log onto that site, thus it becomes spam.

Mind you, I have no problems what so ever with Taptalk or any of the other browser enhancers (I use the XDA forum app myself), I just have a problem with how they implement it.  Hopefully, they give the WEB site programmer the option to disable their popup box.

XDA is a wonderful resource, but looking out for their users is not their number one priority, IMHO.
Events / Re: Awesome Video Review
May 25, 2012, 12:36:07 PM MT
Hero Mages: 9.5 from me!

Sweet, Ross. Congrats. The more press it gets, the better.  I think their review, whether thought positive or negative, will generate the curiosity needed for people to checkout the game.  Once they do, they will stick around if this is the type of game they like.

Why do so many think the only fun games are hack and slay or Mario Brothers-like finger exercises?  I don't understand the reluctance of the younger generation to use their brains (this includes my 26 and 21 year old girls)?  Is it they are used to everything being done for them?  But, this is neither the time nor place for this kind of rant!  LOL

I did not find the rules long or difficult.  I think I said somewhere else, I find the game easy to learn, but hard to master - exactly what a strategy game should be.  I don't come from the gaming backgrounds they mentioned in the review, either.
Suggestions & Comments / Re: Tapatalk support?
May 25, 2012, 12:06:48 PM MT

As long as members and potential members are not harassed by Taptalk when we come to check the forums!  There is nothing I hate more than unsolicited sales tactics when I am just minding my own business.

I think it cheapens a site when I log on and I am immediately asked to purchase an app - in a popup-dialog box no less.

Taptalk, from what I've seen, is not free (unless I missed something).  I hope there is an option to turn off spamming, otherwise members will be harassed, especially if they are like me and keep history, cookies, cache, etc. cleaned.

Ross, as you may recall, I go through a lot of trouble to keep sales spam away from myself, even so far as blocking LSOs and having to log onto this site every time I visit it from my PC (the exceptions don't seem to make a difference, except for in-game settings).

Sorry VanHlebar, I am not trying to cause trouble, I just feel quite strong about this particular subject.  Like I said above, as long as I (and others) aren't spammed when we long on.  Taptalk may very well have this option for Ross to turn off and I hope it does if Ross implements it.  Without sounding overly dramatic, I've quit visiting some sites specifically because of Taptalk popup sales boxes when I log on to that site.
Meeting Place / Re: Trasd is in the house!
May 17, 2012, 11:34:12 AM MT
Yep, trying to work on a User's Guide too, but alas - I am running into time restraints.  I'm still working on it, though.

I may put cheat sheets together for some of the other stuff too; I find myself still having to look too many things up.

To make it all prettier too, I have learned how to make the pictures 100% better looking.

Plenty more to come (hopefully)....
Ask a Developer / Re: hey ross lol
May 15, 2012, 09:14:32 PM MT
Quote from: Aquillies on May 15, 2012, 05:11:01 AM MT
how about a pm with one of the codes to unlock the Minotaur? ask you shall recieve right?! LoL
I don't think he has enabled PMs yet Aquillies.
Meeting Place / Re: hello all
May 15, 2012, 09:12:57 PM MT
Welcome aboard Aquillies!  Be prepared for many, late, sleepless nights...
Bugs & Support / Re: mp issue
May 12, 2012, 12:03:26 PM MT
Someone reported something like this awhile back - when you log in, make absolutely sure there is no space after your name.  Mobile systems have a way of adding things because of auto-correction and suggestions.

I hope this helps.
Suggestions & Comments / Pally vs Undead
May 11, 2012, 03:31:43 AM MT
In most of these games, a Paladin (or healer) has special divine blessings that give them power over undead monsters.  I thought it might be interesting to give the Pally in HM the option to use her healing ability to cause 1 HP of damage on the skeletons.  I don't believe this would significantly change the balance of the game since she still needs to use a card for this feature.  I just think this would add a little more flavor (really I just don't want Ross to have any time to rest! LOL).

Depending on my card draw (and if I happen to go first - which has literally been only 1 out of 6 games), I have fun trying to take an enemy toon out on the first round (I've never gotten close to taking a mage out, though - I have taken out enemy mages on my first round, but this was the game's second turn).  Ever since I had my pally taken out on round 1, I try to return the favor when possible.  I figure if I can do this to the opposing team (I'm still playing 2 player, though occasionally play 3 player), I have to accept the fact it can happen to me - it's a double edged sword.  I have to admit, though, if I lost my mage in round 1, I might very well concede.  I have successfully won losing a guardian on round 1, at least....

Unfortunately, I believe, if mages were protected on round 1, round 2 would be worse.  This would give the opposing team time to line everything up and concentrate specifically on your mage bombarding it with damage in a crossfire.
General Chat / Re: noob ?
May 07, 2012, 09:51:01 PM MT
Welcome to the community, I'm pretty new myself and the more I play, the more I like it.
Suggestions & Comments / AI Forfeit
May 06, 2012, 09:29:38 PM MT
I'm pretty good at math, but one branch that has always escaped me is statistical analysis, so I may be off on this.

Playing against the AI, I ended up with just my Paladin against the AI Paladin.  The fight went on forever.  With only three 25% chances to hit each turn and each toon having the ability to heal one hit point each turn, there is a high chance the game could last forever (OK, so I'm being dramatic)!  But the game could theoretically last quite awhile.  It took me most of the last Harry Potter movie to finally win.

I suggest implementing some type of forfeit on the AI's part or implementing a draw (tie) option - possibly if neither opponent moves for twenty turns, or whatever.
Bugs & Support / Re: Fighter Mage
May 06, 2012, 03:02:55 PM MT

Ross, good news, you did good implementing it - you did it right, it works on my system.  Next time (if it happens again) I will get a log for you.

It seems to not work on my system when people take shortcuts or don't follow API methods - I think.
Suggestions & Comments / Re: Implementing PM
May 06, 2012, 02:59:00 PM MT

Thanks dude!  What did you do for all those years without me...   ;D
Suggestions & Comments / Button Position Consistency
May 06, 2012, 02:53:22 PM MT
Many times, in-game, I do something I didn't mean to (ask die, I say this all the time in my training sessions) and I could never figure out why.  I think I finally got it; the accept and cancel button positions are not consistent!

If you select a toon and then decided to deselect it, you hit the deselect button , which happens to be in the same location where the accept button for a spell is positioned!

My suggestion is to ALWAYS put all accept-type buttons on one side and ALWAYS put cancel-type buttons on the other (I consider the Deselect Button a cancel-type button - maybe add some red color to cancel-type buttons and green to accept-type, too).  People are creatures of habit and when we get used to something, tend to do it without much thought.

Just say'n...